Donald Trump sworn in as 45th president of the United States

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Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
VIP and many other government sites are about to become Breitbart talking point memos.
Sad day for Sunnis and Somalis who beg to immigrate to the kaafir country they want destroyed and that they despise.

Good day for Westerners.


Sad day for Sunnis and Somalis who beg to immigrate to the kaafir country they want destroyed and that they despise.

Good day for Westerners.

Almost everyone on SomaliSpot is left-of-center.

Calm your horses people, I don't expect Donald Trump to be much different from previous Republican presidents.

Remember, Ronald Reagan was a low-IQ movie star who used to drink ketchup straight out of the bottle and was against the 1964 Civil Rights Act giving equal rights to Blacks. Yet he served 2 terms as President.


Calm your horses people, I don't expect Donald Trump to be much different from previous Republican presidents.

Remember, Ronald Reagan was a low-IQ movie star who used to drink ketchup straight out of the bottle and was against the 1964 Civil Rights Act giving equal rights to Blacks. Yet he served 2 terms as President.

Reagan was far more popular than Trump.

This is what you call a real landslide:


For the yankees, he's either going to be one of the greatest presidents in their history or the worst. He's promised too much stuff and set the bar so high that he may fail to deliver and disappoint many of his voters.
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