Does Anyone Know Much About India


I am studying all the places that were civilizations and who probably got a 'raw' deal due to 'colonial era'. I know India was critical hub for all Middle East and Horn of Africa, it seems like they were our 'trade center' and now they are shell of themselves due to the British colonialism who REALLY destroyed them. If you think Africans got a 'raw' deal, you would be crying about the Indian story. Africa was never really that important at the 'scale' of India, they lost thousands of years of development all over this greed.

Mad Respect to Haile Sellasie he may not have been good to 'Somalis' in particularly Ogaden but he didn't neglect his 3000 year kingdom for this salty that isn't even 1000 years old.

Ha soo Abtirsado we will know when that shit started which indicates the 'start of her governance'.



I have mad respect for 'Habesha' they never bow to anyone be it Muslims or other 'Gaal'. They seem to accept their 'subservient' role to 'Israel' who was huge contributor to their 'knowledge' space and why they became so powerful in the Red Sea.

That's why it's urgent we stop them before they get into Israel 'ear' and determine the region dynamic, cause Israel backs friends on history and there is no other friendlier history to Jews then Ethiopia.


It's all so tiresome
Israel isn't known for it's loyalty. Do you really think they'll risk their security for some starving Ethiopians?

If they try to undermine the surrounding Muslim nation's in the region at the behest of Ethiopia it'll come back haunting them later.

Right now their priority is keeping Egypt happy more than any surrounding nation so why ally with Egypt's rival?

Also how did you go from India to the British then to Ethiopia and Israel


Israel isn't known for it's loyalty. Do you really think they'll risk their security for some starving Ethiopians?

If they try to undermine the surrounding Muslim nation's in the region at the behest of Ethiopia it'll come back haunting them later.

Right now their priority is keeping Egypt happy more than any surrounding nation so why ally with Egypt's rival?

Also how did you go from India to the British then to Ethiopia and Israel

Dad 'xadarad' laha are not easy to overlook in geopolitics for people who were literally apart of the fauna and reserves. To set up geopolitics you need to respect the history there not overlook it or arm up peasants to destroy the structure. Ethiopia is a respected History sxb, you look stupid now ignoring world consensus which shows your not from 'hadarad' area and hence could be a danger to the world. I am not going under Saudis when my sultanates is longer, there is going to be no 'respect' and Americans did a terrible policy, taking some dude in 'najd' and ignoring the 'hejaz' who was ottoman vassal all for what? short-term 'political gain' in the region which was to destroy the ottoman caliphate. They did it in Sudan, Sayid attempted to stop it in 'Berbera' their last 'vassal' area.

Sxb I can't ask the world to respect their 'inferior' regions and rule them when I won't allow Saudi or Hawiye rule me. Sida loo kala tarikh wayn yahay ayaa loo kala farista.


@RasCanjero you think along the lines of peasnts or non hadarad clans u r wild and just attack everything as u don't know the 'significance' of history cause you LACK ONE. You think in the present and how people are eating like 'animals' do. Geopolitics must be 'cautious' to respect the history in all parts of the world. Are u saying China is going to be ruled from 'Mongolia'? They did the same to Muslim nations putting us under what is essentially the NAJD an uncivilized interior area who were more akin to 'mongols' who never 'left' their 'desert'. It's not the Hejaz along the coast-line who had access to world powers and ottomans.

I don't mind going under the Ottomans again, 'respect' ba jirayso, but Saudis f*ck now, yaa been laysu sheegaynin raggow. That's like me accepting IRIR sultanates created today to 'rule' me and in 300 years time people thinking this 'aborigine' inu hadarad lee yahay, nah sxb, my ancestor historical development being ignored regardless how grand it was or small should be acknowledged not cancelled or disregarded and I wish the same for all not just for me. I have mad respect for habesha a very long kingdom and respected for thousands of years, why would I listen to you Ras oo shali masai mara reserve park ku jirtay? your a danger to the world not knowing how the old world operated, you only know the modern world and therefore cannot 'balance out what is good and bad' anymore.


It's all so tiresome
@RasCanjero you think along the lines of peasnts or non hadarad clans u r wild and just attack everything as u don't know the 'significance' of history cause you LACK ONE. You think in the present and how people are eating like 'animals' do. Geopolitics must be 'cautious' to respect the history in all parts of the world. Are u saying China is going to be ruled from 'Mongolia'? They did the same to Muslim nations putting us under what is essentially the NAJD an uncivilized interior area who were more akin to 'mongols' who never 'left' their 'desert'. It's not the Hejaz along the coast-line who had access to world powers and ottomans.

I don't mind going under the Ottomans again, 'respect' ba jirayso, but Saudis f*ck now, yaa been laysu sheegaynin raggow. That's like me accepting IRIR sultanates created today to 'rule' me and in 300 years time people thinking this 'aborigine' inu hadarad lee yahay, nah sxb, my ancestor historical development being ignored regardless how grand it was or small should be acknowledged not cancelled or disregarded and I wish the same for all not just for me. I have mad respect for habesha a very long kingdom and respected for thousands of years, why would I listen to you Ras oo shali masai mara reserve park ku jirtay? your a danger to the world not knowing how the old world operated, you only know the modern world and therefore cannot 'balance out what is good and bad' anymore.

There's no such thing as the old or new in geopolitics. Just benefits.


@RasCanjero I would prefer to be jobless when I have 20 years experience in a field and some guy straight of our university is given my manager job? history must be respected, god dammit, it must be or else there will be no respect for the achievements of people in their life time let alone their society life time. Ras Wallahi I would walk away before taking orders from someone I have more experience, I can respect the habesha standing up and walking away or Indians or Turks or Chinese. America is childish


It's all so tiresome
@RasCanjero I would prefer to be jobless when I have 20 years experience in a field and some guy straight of our university is given my manager job? history must be respected, god dammit, it must be or else there will be no respect for the achievements of people in their life time let alone their society life time.

What if that young graduate has family in a business that the company is trying to sell to?

Happens all the time.

Managers aren't necessarily the most competent in the office. However they & similar situations exist because muddy waters allows the fish to survive.


What if that young graduate has family in a business that the company is trying to sell to?

Happens all the time.

Managers aren't necessarily the most competent in the office. However they & similar situations exist because muddy waters allows the fish to survive.

You remind me of 'slaves' my 'awoowe' in the south used to purchase, u just go where-ever the GDP is, you follow the 'meat'. Infact that's how they wud catch slaves by placing it on a pole 'meat' and entice him, he follows his 'stomach' he has no history nor any achievements in life, your similar mind-set wallahi.

History is so important, it doesn't matter if I am poor or rich when I achieved something that no-one can take away from me and I will sit there untill it's acknowledged. Jew were rich and poor thru out their history, it's cycle waxani, but history isn't, it's 'track record' of your individual achievement or societal achievements(sultanates, kingdoms, etc).

I urge Majertens to keep our 'cawaan and slave type thinkers' yes it's a thinking sxb not a skin color away from the world stage, it makes us Somalis feel ashamed wallahi and we begin 'clan hatred' again.


It's all so tiresome
You remind me of 'slaves' my 'awoowe' in the south used to purchase, u just go where-ever the GDP is, you follow the 'meat'. Infact that's how they wud catch slaves by placing it on a pole 'meat' and entice him, he follows his 'stomach' he has no history, your similar mind-set wallahi. History is so important, it doesn't matter if I am poor or rich, I achieved something that no-one can take away from me and I will sit there untill it's acknowledged. Jew were rich and poor thru out their history, it's cycle waxani, but history isn't, it's 'track record' of your individual achievement or societal achievements(sultanates, kingdoms, etc).

I urge Majertens to keep our 'cawaan and slave type thinkers' yes it's a thinking sxb not a skin color away from the world stage, it makes us Somalis feel ashamed wallahi and we begin 'clan hatred' again.

See early onset dementia is popping in again. History only matters when it's significant. Some roaming habesha Kings or tiny sultanates in Somalia don't give us any browny points.

When we want to sign a trade deal with another country they'll only be interested in the current leverage we have on hand & not what our ancestors did with their time.


See early onset dementia is popping in again. History only matters when it's significant. Some roaming habesha Kings or tiny sultanates in Somalia don't give us any browny points.

When we want to sign a trade deal with another country they'll only be interested in the current leverage we have on hand & not what our ancestors did with their time.

Wrong, I will not award any company that has harmed Somalis, it's like rewarding their wickedness, see you have no 'short term memory of history' let alone 'long term'. Why would u give your oil contracts to BP and enrich the 'queen' commonwealth when u know exactly what she did to the continent by examining her 'territories' all 'looted and disenfranchised' and taken to London.

So you going to reward her further? See this is when a clan lacks intimidate knowledge of how to balance their history and trade. I would give it to 'anti monarch' company like someone I can confirm will make Australia 'independent' from the Queen or Irish or American 'investors' who are of 'Irish roots'. Empower her enemies to get stronger in 'revenge' of what that did to the 'darawish' who were saving us from becoming those useless commonwealth nations and a conquered people. U ensure those companies then 'dump' their funds into 'anti monarchy' parties around the world like Canada, Australia, and u set up the Irish strong and 'say get that ' who tried to conquer u first and then failed and spread that model to the world.


It's all so tiresome
Wrong, I will not award any company that has harmed Somalis, it's like rewarding their wickedness, see you have no 'short term memory of history' let alone 'long term'. Why would u give your oil contracts to BP and enrich the 'queen' commonwealth when u know exactly what she did to the continent by examining her 'territories' all 'looted and disenfranchised' and taken to London.

So you going to reward her further? See this is when a clan lacks intimidate knowledge of how to balance their history and trade. I would give it to 'anti monarch' company like someone I can confirm will make Australia 'independent' from the Queen or Irish or American 'investors' who are of 'Irish roots'. Empower her enemies to get stronger in 'revenge' of what that did to the 'darawish' who were saving us from becoming those useless commonwealth nations and a conquered people. U ensure those companies then 'dump' their funds into 'anti monarchy' parties around the world like Canada, Australia, and u set up the Irish strong and 'say get that ' who tried to conquer u first and then failed and spread that model to the world.

Blah blah why do you always go off on a tangent. You bring up interesting subjects but nacalaa stick to the topic.

I'll happily work with the British if it meets my goals.

At the end of the day history is just one big accident.

If we were in their shoes we would've done exactly the same shid. Probably would've to East Africa if the Europeans haven't arrived in time to save tthem from the even scarier geeljire.


Blah blah why do you always go off on a tangent. You bring up interesting subjects but nacalaa stick to the topic.

I'll happily work with the British if it meets my goals.

At the end of the day history is just one big accident.

If we were in their shoes we would've done exactly the same shid. Probably would've to East Africa if the Europeans haven't arrived in time to save tthem from the even scarier geeljire.

You seem to argue for the sake of argument, not for the sake of what is said. Another 'aboriginal' trait similar to GALMUDUG u just reject everything I say and u will do the same in negiotations for Somalia wax diid ba tahay meaning 70 years we will be wasting time like palestinians I hate aborigines they just reject everything cause its the animal trait in them, you can't justify anything u say beyond 'interest' what they 'taught' on u TV. Nah it's far more then 'interest'.

It's 'history' also. I want that Queen living like the Romanians do with scotland separated, ireland closing its border, australia and canada independent of the queen. She must be punished while my people will 'eat' I am not saying they won't but I know who PL nominating their OIL contracts too.

1. I get revenge
2. I still get similar oil production deal

I killed two stones with one queen I punished her out of growing while I still got my people eating and still rewarded contracts to companies I know want the removed from the earth. U didn't provide anything beneficial to your solution except say 'interest' duhhhhh everyone knows that u aborigine, say something else DIFFERENT to that, u colonial puppet


It's all so tiresome
You seem to argue for the sake of argument, not for the sake of what is said. Another 'aboriginal' trait similar to GALMUDUG u just reject everything I say and u will do the same in negiotations for Somalia wax diid ba tahay meaning 70 years we will be wasting time like palestinians I hate aborigines they just reject everything cause its the animal trait in them, you can't justify anything u say beyond 'interest' what they 'taught' on u TV. Nah it's far more then 'interest'.

It's 'history' also. I want that Queen living like the Romanians do with scotland separated, ireland closing its border, australia and canada independent of the queen. She must be punished while my people will 'eat' I am not saying they won't but I know who PL nominating their OIL contracts too.

1. I get revenge
2. I still get similar oil production deal

I killed two stones with one queen I punished her out of growing while I still got my people eating and still rewarded contracts to companies I know want the removed from the earth. U didn't provide anything beneficial to your solution except say 'interest' duhhhhh everyone knows that u aborigine, say something else DIFFERENT to that, u colonial puppet

You just put your ass on the mi5 hitlist. I don't know this guy.


I could agree with you but then we’d both be wrong
What's your questions about India?!! I have been to India thrice, lived and studied in that place.


You just put your ass on the mi5 hitlist. I don't know this guy.

MI5 kulaha, they work together in security not their economies. That's like saying Hartis work together in economy of their region nah bro it's just 'security' nothing else between Americans-Brits-Australia waa similar to how 'darods' are in Somalia, we don't work together as 'darod' but we will when it comes to 'war' or some 'security' issue only. Infact not all 'darods' even cooperate on security as we saw in 91 so we could assume the same with the aus-america-english-canadians who are basically one tribe who expanded to the world and invited 'their subjects' to move there.

Somalis take it the wrong way about Darod, thinking we like each other, nope we don't but there is common interest we need to survive 'common enemies' who won't do us no good and I think it's the same for the american-brits-canadian-australians. I can't imagine they could care for each other in peace time, because 'darod' who is far 'smaller in global context' could give a shit about itself in peace time and we don't 'own continents' like they do or global power, we are still relatively 'small' geopolitical landscape. We never expanded like those bastards wallahi due to lack of 'knowledge' development they had.

If we had the same knowledge development, we could've invited all our subjects in our territories to start populating america, australia, and have 'darod elites' at the top. Thats how they did it


@RasCanjero Puntland has reached maximum maturity in 'trade'. That's all the sultanates was about mainly, I want it to progress further from this stage and enter 'knowledge development' economy, we need to 'add' to our 'historical achievements' not 'repeat' it. U know why 'trade' doesn't interest me? it's like going to your shops daily, weekly, monthly, your 'repeating' the same thing 'buying and selling'.

There is no real 'knowledge development' from this and I urge the 'aboriginal somali' clans to focus on this area as this will be a good development stage for them to reach but not 'drag' the whole nation down to this and 'readjust' policies on regions who need to reach 'next milestone' do not bring us down to the 'same thing' or else there will be conflict and international community will get involved and it's stalemate again and it will stretch like the palestinian conflict, 70 years so far.

Just don't drag my region down to your GOALS as a region ma garatay? let's do our separate thing, american economy each state does his own thing, we don't have to do the same thing, it's called 'diverse' economy then not a boring STALE ONE ECONOMY like SIYAD DAYS.

I want PL to be the 'california' of America the 'brains', you can opt to strive for the 'new york model' in hamar if u want. I have left that stage of development and realized wealth doesn't leave a LEGACY for our children to 'progress' our sultanate history


I realized 'trade' left no 'mark' on PL and I saw the same with Mansa Musa richest man in the world. Wealth doesn't go down the generations niyahow because geopolitics, axises, economic systems, commodities change, even a shift of govt can mean all those properties u wasted a whole life time on is worthless and becomes like not desired land like central australian desert.

Knowledge shifts also but your 'legacy' is mentioned and built upon while ur society can evolve as times change due to knowledge and remain relevant, that is one thing I also noticed about the jews due to their extensive travels they encountered various knowledge and developed upon it while we were in one location and not advancing beyond our 'region' and just doing silly trade living day to day and not long term orientated now look at them jews.

It was that knowledge advancement that took a anglo saxon tribe no larger then darod to grab two continents and control 2 billion ppl and loot them and re-invest into 'themselves' and then invite those niggas as 'refugees' into their countries.

If u study her history deeply queen elizabeth she isn't all that wallahi, it's all 'media' and 'possessions' she has now that is why she is given 'grand stage' not because of how 'long her kingdom is'

