Does anyone here have an Ethiopian Origin ID (Yellow Card)

I have roots in DDSI and I hear you don't ever need to have a Visa at all to enter Ethiopia if you have this yellow card. Does anyone here have it and how do you get it
Yellow card for wat?
To go visit Jigjiga and see how our youth are unemployed and a Xabashi is running it?

Yeah it's not good but even then DDSI is doing better than southern Somalia. People in Jigjiga have a positive mindset and get on with life without any fuss which I admire


Forza Somalia!
Why the hell I need a visa to enter my ancestral land, why to adhere to colonial rule and borders? Just cross the that imaginary border


I have roots in DDSI and I hear you don't ever need to have a Visa at all to enter Ethiopia if you have this yellow card. Does anyone here have it and how do you get it

The yellow card is useful for long stays cause they only give out 30day tourist visas last time i went. if you overstay they have a fixed penalty and $5 for every day your in the country after the visa expired. i overstayed for 4 days and i didnt know tbh. its a scam imo. all the other ea countries give out 90 day tourist visas


Forza Somalia!
Cushite ancestral land is North Sudan.

We need to establish a zionist Cushite state in North Sudan and drive off the Arabs from our land, lol.
That’s it first the horn then the rest of east Africa



I have a DDSI I.D card if thats what you mean its not easy to get one its a triple measure system to go through first before last steps. Ogadenia security is no joke if you're not born there or belong to clans with strong ties to alqushash (AS). The right to move freely as somali with roots is for other regions like addis herer or diredawa not DDSI.


I have a DDSI I.D card if thats what you mean its not easy to get one its a triple measure system to go through first before last steps. Ogadenia security is no joke if you're not born there or belong to clans with strong ties to alqushash (AS). The right to move freely as somali with roots is for other regions like addis herer or diredawa not DDSI.
So does having a ddsi card make you an Ethiopian citizen?
If you have clan connections in DDSI, you can get one easily. My sub sub subclan does not live in DDSI but related subclans do so I can get one if I choose to do so like some of my kinsmen who do business in Ethiopia.
It's easy to get if you have people on the other side. Any Isaaq, Ogaden, cissa, gadabursi and many other clans can get it.

Getting the ID card for voting and business, the semi cizitenship without passport is harder. Since they check your family. I say Semi as they don't allow dual, so most Ethiopeans have the ID card.

