Do you regret being somali

Looking at statues of somali people today and the state of Somalia as a nation do you have any regrets being somali?

If no why?


To each their own
Disappointed, yes but I'll never wish to be something else.

No point in having pride or regret in something you can't change.


I do something called "what I want"
The fact you’re asking this question shows how sad your life is and that you’re blaming it on your ethnicity. Your ethnicity doesn’t decide the outcome of your life. Why would I “regret” being somali when I didn’t choose it. Even then how does that affect my
life? My life isn’t any harder or easier as a Somali than the guy across the street. Only my choices and the choices of people around me affect my life.


i think with my heart
Only thing better than being a human is being a cow in Hindu side in India

i retract what i said :kendrickcry:

you know what!. you actually made me realise something.

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How can you regret being the best of the best. Most attractive, from a wonderful climate, religion, most religious, family values and big families, klan system, best friends and social, highest mental health. The benefits are endless. Because we are not celebrated in mainstraim media dont let it fool you we have benefits most societies would die for. We have a single drawback and its war and once we overcome that well be on top. Scandanvian countries are seen as the most egalitarian countries in the world yet i wouldnt trade a day of our where we are located and climate for all that social benefit and egalitarism.
I'm stoic about. It was outside of my control so I'm not bothered about it. However if somehow I could choose what race id be, it would be white, if I had a choice why would I handicap myself?

