Do you know a gay Somali?

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Suicidal men adore me.
Homosexuality exists everywhere in the World and the Somali community is a part of the world. Where are the gay and lesbian Somalis? Are they hiding because of religious fanatics?


Suicidal men adore me.
Can I ask you what do you think/believe the Quran says about observing hijab?

I don't question the holy book. I would never question it however I don't practice religion very strictly. Me and my family have been very liberal like that. Maybe because most of my family are very educated.

Something Somalis need to understand is that what we do in our life, the sins we make and the good deeds we do, only God will judge us on that. Knowing that fact we should let people be free and let them answer to God.
I don't question the holy book. I would never question it however I don't practice religion very strictly. Me and my family have been very liberal like that. Maybe because most of my family are very educated.

Something Somalis need to understand is that what we do in our life, the sins we make and the good deeds we do, only God will judge us on that. Knowing that fact we should let people be free and let them answer to God.

But do you understand that the Quran commands women to observe hijab and by not doing so you're going against the commandment of the Quran? I understand if you say hijab is compulsory but you don't observe it yet or have difficulty doing so but you said you will never observe it so you are in a way questioning the Quran.

I don't agree with judging people either and we are all guilty of committing sins, whether big or small. But the one that recognises their actions as a sin and the one that openly commits sin and thinks they are in the right are completely different.
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