Do You Have Soft hair or Madow hair?? (Be Honest)

Do you have soft curly or Madow hair?

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The hairline is going through a drought. You must have thought
"How can Allah do this to me...?"
"He doesn't exist to me anymore"
This is all that left for you @ArchBishopofAtheism
> Looks like an indian
> Despite looking like an Indian the guy got Madow hair that rivals a Ugandan
> Nearly 30 yet still lives with his Parents
> Spends his days cursing out Muslims

@ArchBishopofAtheism sxb how can you still keep going on when life dealt you this kind of a predicament :mjlol:


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Dozens of cadaans telling them that they didn't know Abdis could have hair like this and suddenly they become transracial :chrisfreshhah:

I've never met non-PC cadaans, before. Perhaps, the crowd of people I come across is more cultured. As I say, keep the prejudice at the coffee table (between my kinfolk) but be civilized in public. :samwelcome: I've learned social adeptness since my mother is reer magaal. I've also observed well-crafted doublespeak of Cadaans and Habeshis in action.
Umm...From what? You're butthurt about my insults against Mo that you latched onto this nonsense. You're desperate and trying to find support among other desperate people. I even rated your post funny because it is.

No, it's human nature to pile on someone who took an L

Not my fault you posting your hair made it look like this in real time

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