Do you guys ever plan on moving from the west?

Yes, I plan on moving in the future. The west is not my cup of tea weather and culture wise.

I need that temperate weather and walkable cities… with people who look like me.
!!! When you find a place…I’ll join you sis. I speak Somali and English so my only options are either Somalia or maybe Nigeria :lawd:


Staff Member
It's turning into another China, with the cbdc and social credit and extra controls coming. Cancel culture will also start affecting regular individuals like you and me within 5 years.
You 10 years before the West is an unlovable hellhole. Its a slow boil though and most of you will not do anything until its too late like the 2040s when there will pogroms and concentration camps for Muslims.
Halal slaughter and male circumcision will also be banned within 10 years along with hijab for women.

The west is for Muslims. It will be under Islamic rule soon. Hijab won't be banned but gaal will be forced to wear it. Total opposite of what you're saying.
The west is for Muslims. It will be under Islamic rule soon. Hijab won't be banned but gaal will be forced to wear it. Total opposite of what you're saying.
I wish but that will never happen. they want their own liberal version of Islam in the west, a watered down version, one where Homosexuality sex and zina and alchohol and drugs are allowed, one where all liberal values are allowed. They would never adopt true Islam, your statement is either a troll or serious lack of foresight
I wish but that will never happen. they want their own liberal version of Islam in the west, a watered down version, one where Homosexuality sex and zina and alchohol and drugs are allowed, one where all liberal values are allowed. They would never adopt true Islam, your statement is either a troll or serious lack of foresight
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You will never feel at home in Somalia except in your clan lands. Sometimes you only feel at home only in certain clan neighbourhoods/districts in even the biggest cities.
Majeerteen is so landheere why would i go to another mans land



Staff Member
I wish but that will never happen. they want their own liberal version of Islam in the west, a watered down version, one where Homosexuality sex and zina and alchohol and drugs are allowed, one where all liberal values are allowed. They would never adopt true Islam, your statement is either a troll or serious lack of foresight

Salafism will be forced on the west. Your dream will become true. Just wait. My company has Islamic prayer rooms pre-covid. I don't know many Muslims other than a handful and they are not even religious. Not sure if it's still there. I'm sure it is. There was no demand for it. Maybe just 1 person asked, and maybe from the other country office locations. It magically appeared. A lady was fired in Minnesota for posting an art photo of the Prophet. Islam is slowly taking over the west. Westka waad gadbasatay. You should rejoice. Muslims have babies, gaals do not.
Salafism will be forced on the west. Your dream will become true. Just wait. My company has Islamic prayer rooms pre-covid. I don't know many Muslims other than a handful and they are not even religious. Not sure if it's still there. I'm sure it is. There was no demand for it. Maybe just 1 person asked, and maybe from the other country office locations. It magically appeared. A lady was fired in Minnesota for posting an art photo of the Prophet. Islam is slowly taking over the west. Westka waad gadbasatay. You should rejoice. Muslims have babies, gaals do not.
Nope you are wrong, they only want prayer rooms, and stuff like banning pictures of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasalam because they want Muslims to feel special and comfortable, its a sweet nectar trap which we love then get devoured into, they want everyone to have individual liberty to do what they want, but you cannot tell other people what to do, this means you cannot have Muslims giving dawah or telling other people what is right or wrong, forbidding evil and enjoining good, instead your a voiceless person who can just live his life but has to accept the moral decay of society


Staff Member
Nope you are wrong, they only want prayer rooms, and stuff like banning pictures of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasalam because they want Muslims to feel special and comfortable, its a sweet nectar trap which we love then get devoured into, they want everyone to have individual liberty to do what they want, but you cannot tell other people what to do, this means you cannot have Muslims giving dawah or telling other people what is right or wrong, forbidding evil and enjoining good, instead your a voiceless person who can just live his life but has to accept the moral decay of society

Aren't you in London? That place will be the capital of the western Islamic state. London for Muslims is better than most Muslim cities. I think it's even better than Somali cities outside of Shabab areas. I actually think it's easier to be secular in Somalia or Djibouti than it is in England. I was not once asked to tuko while younger in East Africa but in London, different story. They grab you to go to the masjid. Once Western Europe becomes 25% Muslim, its yours. Within your lifetime, you'll be living under Islamic rule. Be patient. Mean looking and angry 18-25 year old men, most of whom are fake religious, will be patrolling the streets of the west enforcing Islamic rule.
That place will be the capital of the western Islamic state. London for Muslims is better than most Muslim cities.
I hate it here, I wanna leave as soon as I finish my degree Inshaallah
There is too much fitna in the city for me, I have overgrown my stay here, it has had a negative effect on me.
Ofc Muslim countries are not going to always be better, but its a kind of difficulty I think I would have to deal with, ofc after hard thinking and research when I make my decision, but everywhere in the world is difficult, u have to chose what kind of difficulty you want to bear.
Once Western Europe becomes 25% Muslim, its yours. Within your lifetime, you'll be living under Islamic rule. Be patient. Mean looking and angry 18-25 year old men, most of whom are fake religious, will be patrolling the streets of the west enforcing Islamic rule.
Thats never going to happen, most Muslims who are practising want to leave the west no stay in it.


Staff Member
I hate it here, I wanna leave as soon as I finish my degree Inshaallah
There is too much fitna in the city for me, I have overgrown my stay here, it has had a negative effect on me.
Ofc Muslim countries are not going to always be better, but its a kind of difficulty I think I would have to deal with, ofc after hard thinking and research when I make my decision, but everywhere in the world is difficult, u have to chose what kind of difficulty you want to bear.

Thats never going to happen, most Muslims who are practising want to leave the west no stay in it.

Remember this conversation when it happens.
Remember this conversation when it happens.
If it does happen it will be a fake version of Islam or something along those lines, it will never be the raw religion, probably get a few extreme imams who want to propogate their own understanding of the religion.
But I don't believe it is going to happen, its too far fetched, especially in UK they hate Muslims more and more now, I can't even say being gay is haram without being kicked out of university


Staff Member
If it does happen it will be a fake version of Islam or something along those lines, it will never be the raw religion, probably get a few extreme imams who want to propogate their own understanding of the religion.
But I don't believe it is going to happen, its too far fetched, especially in UK they hate Muslims more and more now, I can't even say being gay is haram without being kicked out of university

No one hates Muslims in the UK except some EDL type people. You're spreading misinformation. You just brainwashed yourself into thinking you're a victim. Trannies in the UK are despised 100x more than Muslims. We all know what happened in Rotherham and why authorities looked the other way.
No one hates Muslims in the UK except some EDL type people. You're spreading misinformation. You just brainwashed yourself into thinking you're a victim. Trannies in the UK are despised 100x more than Muslims. We all know what happened in Rotherham and why authorities looked the other way.
They are, just not outwardly, they have gotten comfortable with Islam alhamdulillah, to a certain level, but the actual religion, they hate, me saying my beliefs about non-Muslims and lgbtq and zaanis and etc.. will never be tolerated, if I voice my opinion on an Islamic matter I will be made fun of, theres still alot of hate to Muslims in Uk, non-Muslims are only comfortable with their version of Islam they perceive. They don't like true Islam.
They are, just not outwardly, they have gotten comfortable with Islam alhamdulillah, to a certain level, but the actual religion, they hate, me saying my beliefs about non-Muslims and lgbtq and zaanis and etc.. will never be tolerated, if I voice my opinion on an Islamic matter I will be made fun of, theres still alot of hate to Muslims in Uk, non-Muslims are only comfortable with their version of Islam they perceive. They don't like true Islam.
I think @AbdiFreedom is against the micro management done by Salafist. Would you want someone breathing down your throat to pray or fast? Back home noone will bother you if you don't pray. Alot of the dalinyaro only start praying after they marry or as older adults.
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