Do you believe this?

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Because our minds are only limited to what we see and not what could be out there.

These images are only artist rendition. Only way to see is if you check it out for yourself with large telescopes.
Because our minds are only limited to what we see and not what could be out there.

These images are only artist rendition. Only way to see is if you check it out for yourself with large telescopes.
Large telescopes even with that we can't see all this shit they put in the video. All of these giant stars are made up. Not denying that they might exist but it seems all too fake.
I don't believe videos posted by random ppl on insta and twitter that aren't posted by a real scientist of astronomer. Odds are half the time they are bullshit and made up facts.



Study Sunt Tzu’s, ‘Art of War’.
Its real. The universe is literally too massive that there HAS to be stars like that. We are insignificant to existence. We are useless to the universe. Allahs power and magnificence is reflected on those suns. All works of the powerful. The largest KNOWN star, canis major, is millions of times larger than our sun. Imagine how many stars you see in the sky, now times that by millions. Thats the true universe
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