Explain why you believe it is or isn’t bad for the environment
Well said sxbIt's bad on so many levels.
However imo the biggest crime here is the opportunity costs.
- We suck out all the ground water for mainly livestock. This creates massive deforestation and kills the soil.
- The carrying capacity of available pasture has long been exceeded. Way to many livestock compared to the available feed. This again fucks up the soil because we're not longer following the natural cycle.
These pastorialist could be contributing to the formal economy if they didn't limit themselves to living band to mouth.
A nomad gets his water from the ground, meat & milm from his livestock and clothes and essentials from bartering.
The millions of livestock sold every year barely gets them any money. Most goes to middle men and feed lots.
Their kids don't get exposed to the wider world and due to no choice of their own get sentenced to a life of hardship and limited potential.
How many potential Nobel laureates or Field medalist are currently chasing after sheep now?
The reason why our GDP per capita is $600-800 is because our pastorialist barely generate $50 a year in the economy and live mostly off the land.
If we moved them to the town and cities our GDP per capita would quickly jump up to over $2,000 within a couple years and inshallah a lot higher before the decade's end.