Do you believe domestication of animals, pets and zoos should be outlawed?


Stroking my Australinimo
In my opinion, domestication of all animals and zoos should be completely banned except those that have been specifically bred for transport, herding and security.

Every other animals should be put back to right where they belong including dogs, cats, birds, mouse, snakes etc. There's nothing to be proud having them in your homes or taking pictures at the zoos, it's barbaric to keep them confined for the rest of their lives.

I can't stomach it when white people call themselves "animal activist" and want to protect the "endangered species", the very same people who invented zoos after colonising Asia and Africa, trophy hunting, preventing breeding via domestication and desexing, modern weapons and petroleum that turned many of them extinct.


Kick in the door wavin the .44
I don’t know about domestic animals like cats and dogs because I believe some of them might struggle to fend for themselves.

But exotic pets, birds!!!! Zoos should be banned.

It’s disgusting that was hold living creatures in captivity for no purpose other than our entertainment.


Hiatus✅ 1/18/21- ?
Wym sxb? I've already domesticated two 'xayawaamins' with my fists. Go figure out who the 'xayawaamins' are cause I love animals and wouldn't hurt one:noneck:

