do u want Allah's to govern somalis or do you want western law?

which do you prefer??

  • Islamic law

  • western law

  • secular but not west

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Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
Please, somalinimo and Islam have nothing to do with each other. I can be a pure Somali and speak and act the way I wish. What makes you a pan Somali is the love for your country, language, culture and people. The very fact that you lot seem to denigrate non Muslim Somalis is retarded when you consider that Somalia owes so much to Somali Christian nationalist fur its independence.
There was never a Somali country built on culture and language before 1960. Both the Ajuuran and the Adal empire, the 2 greatest 'Somali' states, were ruled by shariah law.

That Somali Christian that you praise was the one that proposed Somaliland to be ruled by the British for an additional 10 years, so learn your facts.


Sharia law is the only way you atheist somalis make up to 0.01% of us somalis
They organized and apartheid state which is something those groups would do if they could start their own countries. They also ethnically cleansed the original people of the land. The Christians, Atheists, etc., would be treated the same way that the Pal****inians are treated in their country.

Europe and America have ki11ed far more than those groups you mentioned. They make them look like chumps.

I despise all the groups that you mentioned because they ki11 so many innocent children, but I would NEVER EVER, NOT EVEN IN A HYPOTHETICAL scenario, want to ki11 all of the civilians. That is the difference between me (a Muslim and human) and a chimpanzee (an atheist and anima)!
The injustices that transpire in Israel is a different topic but weren't discussing that. We were discussing you accusing Sam Harris as someone who would promote or justify the killing of millions of innocent Muslims. I said that's a flat out lie and linked you a video explaining himself, straight from the horses mouth. Yet you still cling on to your own perception of him, even though you haven't read his book nor bothered to watch a video of him. You are entitled to your opinion but not to your own facts. Don't let your emotions clout your judgments.
Selling a book demonizing Muslims is in vogue. Everyone wants to milk Muslims somehow since it is the cash cow today. People are being elected in many countries for simply talking tough and promising war against Muslims. If not war, they want outright discrimination against Muslims written in their books. These are the people you look up to as civilized and better than billion plus souls who mostly struggle living their own life.

You lot on this forum should be ashamed to be part of that. This is one of the reasons many are disgusted with you lot when you sound like European and American right wingers who want a war on Muslims. All of you have Muslim parents except one who shared his dad isn't. Think about that for a moment.

In many ways, you prove the point that Qof haddusan kugu diin ahayn, waxba kuma aha saying.
Well Sam Harris is a renowned critic of religion that's part of who he is. What can I say? He also discusses plethora of other issues which is not exclusively about religion. If anyone can be famous by criticizing Islam, how come there are very few who end up being famous and getting invites into talkshows? Do Dawkins, Sam Harris, Hitchens have something in common? Yes they do! They have excellent debating skills and are accomplished writers and intellectuals who broach a wide array of topics. Sure you have the occasional Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Maajid Nawaz who are one-dimensional, however they too have in my opinion phenomenal skills in debating and hold an interesting view on radical Islam which is a hot topic at the moment due to recurring terrorist attacks in the west and in other parts of the hemisphere. Your average edgy ''islamophobe'' wouldn't be able to hold a candle to these people.



The fact that many populist politicians get votes for addressing the dangers of islam and mass-immigration is simply because many people feel threatened by it and the left hasn't done anything to attenuate these growing concerns. And no I don't look up to the likes of Donald Trump, Wilders and Le pen, neither does Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Sam Harris and Dawkins. That's an assumption on your part. But I'm not surprised with you making assumptions since it has become part of your repertoire. Your mind seems to fill in the blanks imperceptibly without questioning whether the person you are talking to, actually holds those views you cobbled up for him or her. The same way the black Israelite is hell-bent that Sam Harris wants to bomb the middle east to smithereens. We are living in the post-truth era everyone was talking about! And hell no, We won't shut up about addressing bad ideas which are codified in Islam. You are going to have to get used to it. Can you imagine if you told starving kids in Somalia that Jileec well-fed Faraxs in the west are crying about people ridiculing and criticizing their religion when a Somali kid who doesn't know whether he will drink the same day? Come on! Caadi iska dhig.


Hotep and Hebrew Israelite
The injustices that transpire in Israel is a different topic but weren't discussing that. We were discussing you accusing Sam Harris as someone who would promote or justify the killing of millions of innocent Muslims. I said that's a flat out lie and linked you a video explaining himself, straight from the horses mouth. Yet you still cling on to your own perception of him, even though you haven't read his book nor bothered to watch a video of him. You are entitled to your opinion but not to your own facts. Don't let your emotions clout your judgments.
So you think it's ok to make an alleged thought experiment about ki11ing millions of innocent people in your book that many militant atheists can possibly take seriously? Calling it a thought experiment does not mean it's ok, especially when you write it in a book for all your impressionable fans.

If you can't see a problem with that, then your are a just another animal like he is.
I see this animal for the coward he truly is.
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So you think it's ok to make an alleged thought experiment about ki11ing millions of innocent people in your book that many militant atheists can possibly take seriously? Calling it a thought experiment does not mean it's ok, especially when you write it in a book for all your impressionable fans.

If you can't see a problem with that, then your are a just another animal like he is.
I see this animal for the coward he truly is.

People in general make thought experiments all the time in which we ask ourselves what we would do in certain life threatening situations or if we want we want to prevent future catastrophe such as the famous thought experiment of would you kill someone if it meant to save 50 people? In the same vain he made a philosophical thought experiment of the notion of deterring nuclear wars. But you haven't read the two passages of his book, so you don't even know what he was alluding to. Just like a danyeer you regurgitate memes without fundamentally understanding it what it all was about. His fans are not as impressionable as religious zealots.


The fact that many populist politicians get votes for addressing the dangers of islam and mass-immigration is simply because many people feel threatened by it and the left hasn't done anything to attenuate these growing concerns. And no I don't look up to the likes of Donald Trump, Wilders and Le pen, neither does Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Sam Harris and Dawkins. That's an assumption on your part. But I'm not surprised with you making assumptions since it has become part of your repertoire. Your mind seems to fill in the blanks imperceptibly without questioning whether the person you are talking to, actually holds those views you cobbled up for him or her. The same way the black Israelite is hell-bent that Sam Harris wants to bomb the middle east to smithereens. We are living in the post-truth era everyone was talking about! And hell no, We won't shut up about addressing bad ideas which are codified in Islam. You are going to have to get used to it. Can you imagine if you told starving kids in Somalia that Jileec well-fed Faraxs in the west are crying about people ridiculing and criticizing their religion when a Somali kid who doesn't know whether he will drink the same day? Come on! Caadi iska dhig.

You validated what I said to you earlier about yourself. By all means, you can lace and paint the forum with your propaganda against and hatred towards Islam. As a group, that is what you do on these forums anyways. See if that fills the gaping holes in your chest that yearns for the peace you lack.

The result will be always the same.


Hotep and Hebrew Israelite
People in general make thought experiments all the time in which we ask ourselves what we would do in certain life threatening situations or if we want we want to prevent future catastrophe such as the famous thought experiment of would you kill someone if it meant to save 50 people? In the same vain he made a philosophical thought experiment of the notion of deterring nuclear wars. But you haven't read the two passages of his book, so you don't even know what he was alluding to. Just like a danyeer you regurgitate memes without fundamentally understanding it what it all was about. His fans are not as impressionable as religious zealots.

You are literally an ape. How dense are you? This man made a hypothetical scenario of ki11ing innocent Muslims by the millions. If he switched Somali for Muslim, would you still defend him? Somalia fit all the His retarded fans try to compare him to the likes of Noam Chomsky and Malcolm X. Sam Harris is a complete retard who talks about Islam like he graduated from an Islamic University. In reality, he is a retard who just pulls out useless polls and talks nonsense 24/7. Last time I checked it wasn't Muslims ki11ing 100mil+ people. It is people like Sam Harris, Stalin and Mao who talk about massacring millions of people. If that bigot got a slither of power, he would use it for evil.

Noam Chomsky (a real intellectual) sees that chimp (Sam) for what he really is.
"Your own moral stance is revealed even further by your complete lack of concern about the apparently huge casualties and the refusal even to investigate them.As for Clinton and associates being “genuine humanitarians,” perhaps that explains why they were imposing sanctions on Iraq so murderous that both of the highly respected international diplomats who administered the “Oil for food” program resigned in protest because they regarded them as “genocidal,” condemning Clinton for blocking testimony at the UN Security Council. Or why he poured arms into Turkey as it was carrying out a horrendous attack on its Kurdish population, one of the worst crimes of the ‘90s. Or why he shifted Turkey from leading recipient of arms worldwide (Israel-Egypt excepted) to Colombia, as soon as the Turkish atrocities achieved their goal and while Colombia was leading the hemisphere by far in atrocious human rights violations. Or why he authorized the Texaco Oil Company to provide oil to the murderous Haitian junta in violation of sanctions. And on, and on, as you could learn if you bothered to read before launching accusations and professing to talk about “ethics” and “morality.”

"You made a series of accusations that were quite false, and are unwilling to withdraw them. You refuse to consider, let alone answer, the very simple and straightforward question posed in the passage you cited.
And you still refuse to reciprocate as I have properly requested several times.That means, clearly, that there is no basis for a rational public interchange.I’ve seen apologetics for atrocities before, but rarely at this level – not to speak of the refusal to withdraw false charges, a minor fault in comparison.Since you profess to be concerned about “God-intoxicated sociopaths,” perhaps you can refer me to your condemnation of the perpetrator of by far the worst crime of this millennium because God had instructed him that he must smite the enemy."

"Harris explained on a podcast that Republican hopeful Ben Carson understood the Middle East better than Noam Chomsky.":russ:

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“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Atheists fail to realize Allah's laws shall rule the entire earth, its inevitable manifest destiny :fittytousand:


Hotep and Hebrew Israelite
It goes to show ...........

Ben Carson of all people? They guy who told an audience full of blacks that slaves were immigrants who came to America for piece of the pie.
Sam Harris is a liar and a fraud. He is a man that talks about how Islam is the number one threat to the world.:heh:
How can us Muslims who have no n*kes be the most dangerous? If you didn't know, this man wrote in a book that the US should do a preemptive n*ke strike to the Middle East, and he said that ki11ing all those innocents would be worth it. After he had got some heat for saying this nonsense, he stated that it was a thought experiment.:heh:
Would you as a Muslim make a book with a thought experiment about ki11ing millions? That is the difference between us Muslims (humans) and atheists (apes).
Sam later attacked Noam Chomsky and wanted to debate him. Chomsky instantly saw through this troll and crucified him with facts.:pachah1:
After getting destroyed, he got so sad that he went on a podcast and said Ben Carson knows more about the Middle East than Chomsky.:hemad:
Sam Harris is a liar and a fraud. He is a man that talks about how Islam is the number one threat to the world.:heh:
How can us Muslims who have no n*kes be the most dangerous? If you didn't know, this man wrote in a book that the US should do a preemptive n*ke strike to the Middle East, and he said that ki11ing all those innocents would be worth it. After he had got some heat for saying this nonsense, he stated that it was a thought experiment.:heh:
Would you as a Muslim make a book with a thought experiment about ki11ing millions? That is the difference between us Muslims (humans) and atheists (apes).
Sam later attacked Noam Chomsky and wanted to debate him. Chomsky instantly saw through this troll and crucified him with facts.:pachah1:
After getting destroyed, he got so sad that he went on a podcast and said Ben Carson knows more about the Middle East than Chomsky.:hemad:

They are all fraud and very unhappy people who channel their inner turmoil and project that on others. You destroyed Simulcrum's argument and emotional defense of Harriis. And I don't blame him. We all have people we look up to and respect.

And I don't know how Ben Carson passed the medical exam to become a brain surgeon. I had respect for American colleges and elite institutions. But finding out that some of these dumb right wing politicians earned their degrees from these elite institutions made me realize there isn't much value to attending a famous elite schools. Trump attended one of all people.

Ben Carson operated on people's brains strangely.


Hotep and Hebrew Israelite
A Muslim is someone who is willfully ignorant of reality and resorts to a father figure to feel comfortable, instead of trying to learn about reality.
Islam is at the core of the disaster that has engulfed Somalis
There's no liberal version of converting or killing or dismembering people.
f*ck 7th century barbarism. We don't want it
May we not 7th century dog shit to solve our problems. Ameen.
Go fucking study instead of getting emotional. He is absolutely correct. Isis version of Sharia is the most straightforward sharia.
Go fucking study instead of getting emotional. He is absolutely correct. Isis version of Sharia is the most straightforward sharia.
Why would anyone want shariah law?
So why follow any Hadiths when some of them allow fgm?
You accept things that stand up to reason and logic. That's a retarded question. You accept rational things.
Somali culture is not unchangeable. It has obvious downsides and some upsides. The shit parts should be removed, not praised.
Your "strength" (I would argue fear) comes from not knowing about the world around you and taking comfort in a dad figure in the sky. You feel like someone has all the answers and that you're absolved from any responsibility to think critically.
You support....




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