Do men actually care about skin?

Please don’t laugh at me but I have skin issues and my family always bullies me about it. I suffer from acne but it’s very mild now alhamdullilah. However I still have extreme discolouration, keratosis pilaris and hyperpigmentation all over my body. My face is like 3 different colours. Naturally my skin color is olive/light brownish like those tanned Moroccans, but my face especially my mouth and chin area is very dark. Makeup looks weird because of the shade difference. On my body, it looks like I’ve smeared black paint on my knees and elbows. It’s not even a normal shade difference those areas look like they belong to someone else. My back and stomach, I used to have a fungal infection called tinea veriscolor which caused hypopigmentation so there’s huge white patches and the skin around it is a lot darker. My butt and upper thigh region right below the butt and inner thighs are I kid you not like 10 shades darker than the rest of my body it looks like they belong to a south sudanese person just for context. I also have keratosis pilaris everywhere- my neck, arms, legs, thighs, back, bikini area, etc. I never cared about the way my skin looks but my mom and siblings have perfect skin and they always tease me about it. For example, when we’re on vacation at the beach they tell me to cover up because it looks I'm wearing black shorts because of my skin, or it looks like I have a disease so I shouldn’t show skin, etc. I’ve been talking to a Somali boy introduced by my family, and he’s very sweet and cute. He’s very humble and he doesn’t even use social media so he doesn’t seem like the type to have unrealistic standards but my mom says when he sees my skin he’s going to be disgusted especially since I don’t have model looks according to her so I can’t afford to have bad skin too because I have too many other flaws like bad teeth which I wear braces for right now, saggy breasts etc. So now I’m depressed and I feel like she’s right but I’ve never felt so shit about my looks and I’m not even ugly. They tell me to bleach but I don’t want to. I live in a small town, there’s only 1 old white dermatologist and he’s been useless and I don’t have any health problems like diabetes that would cause my skin to look like this so I don’t know what to do. Do guys actually care about skin?
Don't let it stress you out, your mom is being a bit harsh and is looking at it from a female perspective. I can assure you a "boy" won't be scrutinizing every last detail of your body. If he likes you he probably is more than happy to be with you. If not, you will find someone else.
These are the same men using the same soap they use to wash their nether region with their face. Looks isn't the only thing if I loved a women I'd be popping her pimples with my teeth, don't focus on things you're not in control of abaayo may Allah bless you and have a good night. Also as long as you didn't bleach your skin then you should be alright.

Internet Nomad

𝑮𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒈𝒓𝒆𝒆𝒏𝒆𝒓 𝒑𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆𝒔
Men tend to be oblivious to many things that women hyper-focus on.Our brains are wired differently but opposites attract.
@a_bilan @Osama-bin Al-ballin thanks guys i appreciate your kind words ❤️the guy is very humble and we are set to marry soon but my female family members made me so insecure about something i never thought about, even my white dermatologist said people of color usually always have hyperpigmentation so i guess its alright

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Men tend to be oblivious to many things that women hyper-focus on.Our brains are wired differently but opposites attract.

this is true.... I used to have an Afro... (I have extremely curly hair) and one day I got my hair cut super short to where it was like a bald fade.... I lived in an apartment building and we had a desk clerk who would see me like five days out the week.... so to do an experiment I walked up to the desk clerk...

I talked to the desk clerk for like half an hour... he didn't notice... then I walk up to the elevator... the elevator is right in front of the manager office... the apartment manager sees me and she immediately goes "oh you got your hair cut!"

so that is the difference


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Hello @minaaa, I'm sure you are an attractive person despite the blemishes and someone you like will come to appreciate you for who you are as opposed to how your skin is presenting or what naysayers say. Insha'Allah your skin issues can be rectified if that's what you like. Though in the mean time close your mind to disparaging people.

Though I don't believe in quick fixes and realize your concerns may relate to your diet/allergies/gastrointenstional health etc. From what I gather an excess of estrogen, excessive cortisol, excessive insulin can contribute to hyperpigmentation and even acne. To be honest, decreasing your sugar/glycemic load may help along with getting rid of seed based/inflammatory oils.​

At least topically speaking Castro oil helps with hyperpigmentation. Though there are probably many other health products that could help along with supplements. I'll get into it another time I'A.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
I don't want to seem derogatory but... worrying a bunch about these minor skin blemishes I would see as "girl stuff".... I don't think most guys would care about this kind of thing...

it would be weird if you as guy were talking with another guy and were like "yeah, man... she was FINE... but then I saw she had this minor skim blemish on the back of the ankle"...

if I heard a guy talking like that I would have to resist an urge to overtly make fun of him... I don't think most normal red blooded men would care... I mean you as a man or woman are free to have your preferences... but I don't think most men would care
Please don’t laugh at me but I have skin issues and my family always bullies me about it. I suffer from acne but it’s very mild now alhamdullilah. However I still have extreme discolouration, keratosis pilaris and hyperpigmentation all over my body. My face is like 3 different colours. Naturally my skin color is olive/light brownish like those tanned Moroccans, but my face especially my mouth and chin area is very dark. Makeup looks weird because of the shade difference. On my body, it looks like I’ve smeared black paint on my knees and elbows. It’s not even a normal shade difference those areas look like they belong to someone else. My back and stomach, I used to have a fungal infection called tinea veriscolor which caused hypopigmentation so there’s huge white patches and the skin around it is a lot darker. My butt and upper thigh region right below the butt and inner thighs are I kid you not like 10 shades darker than the rest of my body it looks like they belong to a south sudanese person just for context. I also have keratosis pilaris everywhere- my neck, arms, legs, thighs, back, bikini area, etc. I never cared about the way my skin looks but my mom and siblings have perfect skin and they always tease me about it. For example, when we’re on vacation at the beach they tell me to cover up because it looks I'm wearing black shorts because of my skin, or it looks like I have a disease so I shouldn’t show skin, etc. I’ve been talking to a Somali boy introduced by my family, and he’s very sweet and cute. He’s very humble and he doesn’t even use social media so he doesn’t seem like the type to have unrealistic standards but my mom says when he sees my skin he’s going to be disgusted especially since I don’t have model looks according to her so I can’t afford to have bad skin too because I have too many other flaws like bad teeth which I wear braces for right now, saggy breasts etc. So now I’m depressed and I feel like she’s right but I’ve never felt so shit about my looks and I’m not even ugly. They tell me to bleach but I don’t want to. I live in a small town, there’s only 1 old white dermatologist and he’s been useless and I don’t have any health problems like diabetes that would cause my skin to look like this so I don’t know what to do. Do guys actually care about skin?
I can clear that up for you :shaq:
Please don’t laugh at me but I have skin issues and my family always bullies me about it. I suffer from acne but it’s very mild now alhamdullilah. However I still have extreme discolouration, keratosis pilaris and hyperpigmentation all over my body. My face is like 3 different colours. Naturally my skin color is olive/light brownish like those tanned Moroccans, but my face especially my mouth and chin area is very dark. Makeup looks weird because of the shade difference. On my body, it looks like I’ve smeared black paint on my knees and elbows. It’s not even a normal shade difference those areas look like they belong to someone else. My back and stomach, I used to have a fungal infection called tinea veriscolor which caused hypopigmentation so there’s huge white patches and the skin around it is a lot darker. My butt and upper thigh region right below the butt and inner thighs are I kid you not like 10 shades darker than the rest of my body it looks like they belong to a south sudanese person just for context. I also have keratosis pilaris everywhere- my neck, arms, legs, thighs, back, bikini area, etc. I never cared about the way my skin looks but my mom and siblings have perfect skin and they always tease me about it. For example, when we’re on vacation at the beach they tell me to cover up because it looks I'm wearing black shorts because of my skin, or it looks like I have a disease so I shouldn’t show skin, etc. I’ve been talking to a Somali boy introduced by my family, and he’s very sweet and cute. He’s very humble and he doesn’t even use social media so he doesn’t seem like the type to have unrealistic standards but my mom says when he sees my skin he’s going to be disgusted especially since I don’t have model looks according to her so I can’t afford to have bad skin too because I have too many other flaws like bad teeth which I wear braces for right now, saggy breasts etc. So now I’m depressed and I feel like she’s right but I’ve never felt so shit about my looks and I’m not even ugly. They tell me to bleach but I don’t want to. I live in a small town, there’s only 1 old white dermatologist and he’s been useless and I don’t have any health problems like diabetes that would cause my skin to look like this so I don’t know what to do. Do guys actually care about skin?

All of these issues are fixable. Don't despair.

What's the best treatment for acne scars?​

Answer From Lawrence E. Gibson, M.D.

Acne scars are stubborn, and no single treatment is best for everyone. One or a combination of the following approaches might improve the appearance of your skin, depending on your scar type, your skin type and the severity of the scarring.

  • Home skin care. Using sunscreen can help limit the contrast between unscarred skin and a scar. Some medicated creams, such as those containing azelaic acid or hydroxyl acids, might help too.
  • Soft tissue fillers. Injecting collagen, fat or other substances under the skin can plump the skin over indented scars. The goal is to make the scars less noticeable. Results are temporary, so repeat treatments are needed to retain the effect. This method has little risk of changes in skin color.
  • Steroid injection. Injecting steroids into some types of raised scars can improve the appearance of your skin.
  • Laser resurfacing. This approach is increasingly popular and is often used on scars that were once treated with dermabrasion. This technique has an increased risk of side effects for people with darker skin or a history of keloids.
  • Other energy-based procedures. Pulsed light sources and radiofrequency devices help make scars less noticeable without damaging the outer layer of skin. Results are subtle, and you might need repeat treatments.
  • Dermabrasion. This procedure is usually reserved for more severe scarring. Your doctor removes the top layer of skin with a rapidly rotating brush or other device. Surface scars may be completely removed, and deeper acne scars may appear less noticeable. Potential severe side effects include scarring and changes in skin color.
  • Chemical peel. Your doctor applies a chemical solution to the scar tissue to remove the top layer of skin and minimize the appearance of deeper scars. You can repeat mild and medium peels to maintain results. You can have only one deep peel. Potential side effects include changes in skin color, especially with deep peels used on dark skin.
  • Skin needling. Your doctor rolls a needle-studded device over the skin to stimulate collagen formation in the underlying tissue. It's a safe, simple and possibly effective technique for acne scarring. It has minimal risk of discoloring the skin. Results are subtle, and you may need repeat treatments.
  • Surgery. Using a minor procedure called punch excision, your doctor cuts out individual acne scars and repairs the wound with stitches or a skin graft. With a technique called subcision, your doctor inserts needles under the skin to loosen fibers below a scar.
  • OnabotulinumtoxinA (Botox). Sometimes the skin around acne scars puckers. Injecting Botox relaxes the surrounding skin, which may improve the appearance of an acne scar. Results are temporary, so repeat treatments are needed to retain the effect.



Abaayo I don’t think we’ve been formally introduced. I’m the resident Rico Suave of the forum.:trumpsmirk:
Heyy!! <33
Ha Ha Reaction GIF
If it's at all possible, find a reputable dermatologist from the next town over; you won't even have to see them all that often.

Ask your dermatologist about retinoids; they will do wonders for uneven skin, acne and hyper-pigmentation issues

You might also have to use Cetaphil or QV body wash; I would recommend a golden jojoba based moisturiser or just use the Laroche-Posay Lipikar Baume lotion.

I wish you all the best