Divorcing a male that can't satisfy his female

Akhi this f*cked up many brothers their perception kkkk no lies especially the most hardest hit are Asian males kkkkk

Chinese and Indians are 40÷ of the world's population. Their divorce rates are also close to zero. Their gus is below average and they got married and have kids and their women are their slaves. There is hope for other small gus men kkkkk


I ❤️ Islam & Aabo Kush. Anti-BBB Anti-Inbred
Chinese and Indians are 40÷ of the world's population. Their divorce rates are also close to zero. Their gus is below average and they got married and have kids and their women are their slaves. There is hope for other small gus men kkkkk
Now that I look at it that way walle bille you have a point kkkkkkkkkk


Certified Liin Distributor
Chinese and Indians are 40÷ of the world's population. Their divorce rates are also close to zero. Their gus is below average and they got married and have kids and their women are their slaves. There is hope for other small gus men kkkkk
They oppress their women to the point of no return. Before Indian wives would be burnt to death and cremated right after their husband's died. Indian Men could have no gus and still be happily married.
