Did you know that...

Pliny reported that en route to the cinnamon hub of Mosylon, the Egyptian Pharaoh Sesostris I (1962-1928) led his forces passed the Port of Isis.
Altough we don't know what goal he has in going to Mosylon with his troops this could be another expedition just like Queen Hatchepsout did 500 years later. Dioscorides consequently noted that the city of Mosylon that Sesotris was reported to have visited became known as the source of the best variety of the spice in the ancient world, Mossylitic cinnamon was even stored in the Roman Royal Treasury and was used as medicine by Roman emperors, the emporium is believed go be situated in the area of Bulhar. B. Frereana which is also a frankincense tree native to only the ancient northern proto-Somali coast was found in Egyptian tombs, now my question is knowing all this; Is it still a doubt that Punt was Proto-Somali ??