Did our ancestors go to hajj?

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Actually it was short. They took a boat most definitely
Correct. they took boats from Zeila, Berbera, Bulahar, Qandala, Hobyo, Muqdisho, Merca, Barawe etc to Aden and hudeida in yemen. They would stay there for a couple of days to rest and restock before sailing to the Hejaz coast. The pilgrims would then take hajj caravans from the hejaz port towns such as Jiddah and Al-lith to Mecca and Medina.
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I could agree with you but then we’d both be wrong
Northern people had always an easy access to the Hajj since it's close to them but the Southerners started undertaking the journey in early 20th century.
It’s tougher than you think
I’ve heard they used to travel for months, I think they used to travel with camels for much of the voyage and probably use ships to cross the sea. Since Islam come to our ancestors before all the Arabs converted I believe some of them made it to hajj, allahu alam.


Death Awaits You
They want me to believe that all my dambi will be forgiven by paying a visit to a desertish shithole. A place where men used to f*ck goats. f*ck hajj.
Of course.

Haji Ali Majeerteen (1800's) was one of the most famous Somali scholars who underwent Hajj, hence the title"haji".

Abdirahman later in his lifetime to be known as Ali Majeerteen, was born in the Nugaal valley to a Majeerteen father and an Ajuuraan mother in the early 1800s. He would later become one of the foremost Islamic proselytizers in Somalia.

He embarked on the obligatory Hajj trip to Mecca, passing through Yemen and overcoming the harsh journey through the Arabian deserts to the holy city of Mecca. When he arrived, as was usually the case, the Arab guards discriminated against him out of racism and refused to let him enter.

Haji Ali immediately sent a letter to the leader of the second Saudi state at the time, Emir Faisal ibn Turki, the grandfather of the founder of modern Saudi Arabia, King Abdul Aziz ibn Abdulrahman ibn Faisal. The letter was written in Arabic in its most purest dialect as a poem.

Upon reading the letter, the Emir became furious about the situation this fellow brother all the way from Somalia was in and angrily ordered the guards of the Haramka mosque to let the Somali brother enter at once and do his deeds to Allah. When Haji Ali completed his Hajj, the Emir requested to meet the young man from Somalia who write him so eloquently.

When the Emir and the young Haji met each other, as is the custom to both Arabs and Somalis, the Emir enquired him about his lineage. Haji Ali responded with a beautiful Arabic poem, showcasing the present Arabs at the venue of the nobility of his heritage. He later translated the poem into Somali.

He later translated the poem into Somali:

Baha baha hadday tahay bahda Haajiraan ahay
Binu Cuqayl biyaha Jeberti nin ka beermay baan ahay
Daarood bartiisiyo beerkiyo laftaan ahay
Dadku baari kala roone baafane Hartaan ahay
Majeerteenka sida buurta u ballaartay baan ahay
Cumarkaas(Reer Cumar) burhaantiis bogga loo geshaan ahay
Boqorku waa Jibraahiile anna baashigaan ahay.

The Emir, impressed as he was with this black man's grasp of the Arabic language and poetry without ever having set foot in the Arabian peninsula before, prompted him to allocate Haji Ali with a large plot of land. This would mark the beginning of the Sheikh's journey to the rest of the Arabian peninsula and more importantly the rest of Somali lands, especially the south where he had educated many about the Islamic religion.
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