Descriptions of the sahaba


@Libaaxseendheer @Samaalic Era

The only natively dark skinned Arabians are the Soqotri and Mahra. They developed some mutations locally without African admixture.

All the other ethnic Arabians are olive skinned (wheat colored) to light brown, especially native Mecca Arabs. Don't be fooled into thinking they were Somali-level dark skinned. That's not possible for native Arabians who stem from the Neolithic Levant. Muhammad was even described as WHITE skinned.

The definition of what they mean by ''dark skinned'' in those texts differs by population. Their baseline is different from yours, so you might be misinterpreting them. Lastly, about 15% to 25% of modern-day Arabians have recent Sub-Saharan African blood from the Arab-African slave trade. Some of those dark-skinned Arabians, especially in KSA and the Gulf States, are not fully indigenous there.

PS. Sudanese Arabs are not Arabs at all. They are Arabized former Nubians and proto-Bejas who language shifted to Arabic and adopted Arabic culture from outsiders.
Siyar a'lam alnubala
Description of bilal bin alribah rac
"Someone who saw bilal narrated to me that he was dark, extremely dark(adam shadid aludmah"

@Libaaxseendheer @Samaalic Era

The only natively dark skinned Arabians are the Soqotri and Mahra. They developed some mutations locally without African admixture.

All the other ethnic Arabians are olive skinned (wheat colored) to light brown, especially native Mecca Arabs. Don't be fooled into thinking they were Somali-level dark skinned. That's not possible for native Arabians who stem from the Neolithic Levant. Muhammad was even described as WHITE skinned.

The definition of what they mean by ''dark skinned'' in those texts differs by population. Their baseline is different from yours, so you might be misinterpreting them. Lastly, about 15% to 25% of modern-day Arabians have recent Sub-Saharan African blood from the Arab-African slave trade. Some of those dark-skinned Arabians, especially in KSA and the Gulf States, are not fully indigenous there.

PS. Sudanese Arabs are not Arabs at all. They are Arabized former Nubians and proto-Bejas who language shifted to Arabic and adopted Arabic culture from outsiders.
Provide the source claiming mohammed SAW was white, if you'd be so forthcoming.

Siyar a'lam alnubalai

Abdallah bin mas'ud
"Abdallah was a thin short man that was extremely dark"

Siyar a'lam
Abu Ja'far almansur the second caliph of the Abbasids, the one who called alnafs alzaki the 'burnt one'
"He was brown(asmar) tall and thin"

Siyar A'lam alnubala

Muhammad bin ja'far almansur the 3rd caliph of the Abbasid
"He was brown(asmar) tall...and course haired"

Abu al'abbas almu'tamid the 15th 'abbasid Caliph
"And mu'tamid was brown(asmar)"

abu al'abbas almu'tadid the 16th 'abbasid caliph
"He was long bearded and brown(asmar)"
Description of the Prophets
Sahih bukhari

"The prophet SAW said" i saw Isa, Musa and Ibrahim, as for Isa he was Red, course haired and broad chested, as for Moses, he was dark brown, and straight haired as if he was from the tribe of Azd"
(The Khudr Ghassan are a sub-tribe of the Azd.)






I ❤️ Islam & Aabo Kush. Anti-BBB Anti-Inbred
Asmar, akhdar and aswad are all terms still in use by sudanese arabs, asmar being brown, akhdar dark brown and aswad more black than brown. Heres an AJ video addressing the problem of colourism in sudan, this will prove helpful later when we arrive at bilal rac and abu dar rac.
Ileen cuqdad waa erey 3arabi walle waa yaab
Sahih bukhari
"No, by God the prophet Saw didnt say Isa was Red but said" I dreamt that as I was circumambulating the Ka'bah I saw a brown(adam) man with straight hair being guided by two other men, his hair dripping of water or his hair wet from water I said who is that He said that's the Son of Marry"

(Theres another hadith that explains that the prophet described Isa, brown and beautiful, then described dajjal, as red and course haired, both were circumambulating the ka'bah and the wording the prophet used was kind of similar, 'masih dajjal' 'masih ibn maryam',
That fact coupled with this corrective hadith negates the tradition Isa saw was red(white).
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I ❤️ Islam & Aabo Kush. Anti-BBB Anti-Inbred
Sahih bukhari
"No, by God the prophet Saw didnt say Isa was Red but said" I dreamt that as I was circumambulating the Ka'bah I saw a brown(adam) man with straight hair being guided by two other men, his hair dripping of water or his hair wet from water I said who is that He said that Son of Marry"

(Theres another hadith that explains that the prophet described Isa, brown and beautiful, then described dajjal, as red and course haired, both were circumambulating the ka'bah and the wording the prophet used was kind of similar, 'masih dajjal' 'masih ibn maryam',
That fact coupled with this corrective hadith negates the tradition Isa saw was red(white).
Red and course haired wallahi sounds like the typical Ashkenazi Yuhuud
Lisan al'arab
"Alsuhm alsiham and alsuhmah:
Blackness, and layth said suhmah is black like the colour of black crows and every thing that is suhmah is also black."


Lisan al'arab
"Alsuhm alsiham and alsuhmah:
Blackness, and layth said suhmah is black like the colour of black crows and every thing that is suhmah is also black."

Metaphorical, not modern-day racialized black. Perhaps they were talking about his HAIR color, who the f* knows.

You sound like a confused Black Hebrew Israelite.

Newsflash: Ancient Jews were of the Mediterranean race. Not Sub-Saharan African. Stop the fake news.
Metaphorical, not modern-day racialized black.

You sound like a confused Black Hebrew Israelite.

Newsflash: Ancient Jews were of the Mediterranean race. Not Sub-Saharan African. Stop the fake news.
What does it mean to be metaphorically black ?:ayaanswag:
Anyways im just quoting history book VERBATIM, you have the freedom to perceive it how you like, as does anyone


The guys on top are very white, they could pass for europeans

That's what Levantines looked like before they mixed with Black African slaves. Muslim Levantines have 7-12% recent Sub-Saharan African blood from the Arab/Ottoman-African slave trade.

Samaritans have close to 0% or less than 2%.

The SSA slave trade into the Middle East happened AFTER the biblical events occurred (Middle Ages mostly).


I ❤️ Islam & Aabo Kush. Anti-BBB Anti-Inbred
Mozes AS was definitely Dark man this is recorded. He is my example. This is why you see a lot of East Africans with name Musa and Isa because one was dark and latter brown.

