Denmark admits country has ‘big problem’ with criminal (Somali) migrants


What is happening in Denmark?

Denmark admits country has ‘big problem’ with criminal migrants.

According to the Danish newspaper BT, a Somali is 3.6 times more likely to commit violent crime compared with a Danish man of the same age and income.

Criminal immigrants pose a major problem in Denmark, Justice Minister Søren Pape Poulsen admitted, after the newspaper BT took a deep look into crime rates and provided insights.

In a major review of immigrant crime, BT reviewed verdicts for crimes involving murder and attempted murder as well as violent crime and robbery.

Between January 2014 and November 2018, Somalis topped Danish crime statistics with 1,111 convictions, followed by Iraqis and Turks.

According to BT, it is 3.6 times more common for a Somali to be sentenced for violent crime than for a Danish man of the same age with the same income.

Danish politicians didn’t attempt to sugar-coat the problem.

“Your review clearly shows that there is a big problem with criminal migrants whom we shouldn’t have in our society”, Justice Minister Søren Pape Poulsen of the Conservative Party told BT. According to him, this is why the government has been implementing legislative changes to facilitate the expulsion of criminal migrants.

Danish People’s Party legal rapporteur and newly elected MEP Peter Kofod, was also upset, calling the statistics “insane”.

“These are pretty wild numbers, those that BT has uncovered. They support what we, the Danish People’s Party, have been pointing out for years, that we in Denmark have a challenge with immigration from a number of countries in Africa and the Middle East,” Kofod said.

Kofod didn’t miss the opportunity to promote his right-wing party’s immigration agenda.

“It’s tragic, and we have to respond to that. We must do this by sending people back home and not taking new ones in. It must be the lesson after too many years when Denmark and the rest of Western Europe have had too much of immigration from certain areas,” Kofod added.

The Danish Social Liberal Party also believes that foreign felons must leave Denmark. Their legal rapporteur Lotte Rod called it “terrible” that such crimes are committed in Denmark.

“The problem, however, is that there are countries, to which we cannot deport people. This applies, for instance, to Somalia and Syria,” Rod stressed.

As of 2019, close to 800,000 of Denmark’s population of 5.8 million (over 13 percent) were immigrants and their descendants. Of them, 500,000 were non-Western immigrants, Statistics Denmark reported.

In recent years, both the centre-right government parties and even some of the opposition parties, such as the Social Democrats, have significantly toughened their immigration rhetoric, with the Danish People’s Party going so far as proposing a temporary full asylum stop.


Somaliland supremacy
sometimes i wish all the western countries including australia kick out all the somalis ,deport them all back to somalia/somaliland,then they dont go to any other country but their own,either they turn their own country around for the better or die and get extinct,all or nothing
the reason why we allow our leaders to get away with their crap is because somalis don't invest much in their countries and just think about tahrib or sit his/her ass comfortable in somebody elses country pretending to know or care about their countries politics,if they had no other choice but to live in their countries they would ask and expect more from their leaders and would not allow groups like al shabaab to exist


all of the somali diaspora have problems but nordic countries has hand down the most dysfunctional of them.
uneployment in these countries are 70+% compared to 20% in america.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake

What is happening in Denmark?

Denmark admits country has ‘big problem’ with criminal migrants.

According to the Danish newspaper BT, a Somali is 3.6 times more likely to commit violent crime compared with a Danish man of the same age and income.

Criminal immigrants pose a major problem in Denmark, Justice Minister Søren Pape Poulsen admitted, after the newspaper BT took a deep look into crime rates and provided insights.

In a major review of immigrant crime, BT reviewed verdicts for crimes involving murder and attempted murder as well as violent crime and robbery.

Between January 2014 and November 2018, Somalis topped Danish crime statistics with 1,111 convictions, followed by Iraqis and Turks.

According to BT, it is 3.6 times more common for a Somali to be sentenced for violent crime than for a Danish man of the same age with the same income.

Danish politicians didn’t attempt to sugar-coat the problem.

“Your review clearly shows that there is a big problem with criminal migrants whom we shouldn’t have in our society”, Justice Minister Søren Pape Poulsen of the Conservative Party told BT. According to him, this is why the government has been implementing legislative changes to facilitate the expulsion of criminal migrants.

Danish People’s Party legal rapporteur and newly elected MEP Peter Kofod, was also upset, calling the statistics “insane”.

“These are pretty wild numbers, those that BT has uncovered. They support what we, the Danish People’s Party, have been pointing out for years, that we in Denmark have a challenge with immigration from a number of countries in Africa and the Middle East,” Kofod said.

Kofod didn’t miss the opportunity to promote his right-wing party’s immigration agenda.

“It’s tragic, and we have to respond to that. We must do this by sending people back home and not taking new ones in. It must be the lesson after too many years when Denmark and the rest of Western Europe have had too much of immigration from certain areas,” Kofod added.

The Danish Social Liberal Party also believes that foreign felons must leave Denmark. Their legal rapporteur Lotte Rod called it “terrible” that such crimes are committed in Denmark.

“The problem, however, is that there are countries, to which we cannot deport people. This applies, for instance, to Somalia and Syria,” Rod stressed.

As of 2019, close to 800,000 of Denmark’s population of 5.8 million (over 13 percent) were immigrants and their descendants. Of them, 500,000 were non-Western immigrants, Statistics Denmark reported.

In recent years, both the centre-right government parties and even some of the opposition parties, such as the Social Democrats, have significantly toughened their immigration rhetoric, with the Danish People’s Party going so far as proposing a temporary full asylum stop.

"Kofod didn’t miss the opportunity to promote his right-wing party’s immigration agenda."

Say no more! Right wing propaganda
"Kofod didn’t miss the opportunity to promote his right-wing party’s immigration agenda."

Say no more! Right wing propaganda


How is it a Right wing propaganda? These numbers don't lie. Yep, they took advantage of the situation but they didn't make us to commit crimes. It seems that Mooryaanism is in our DNA. How else would you explain it?


Weeping for the Nation of 68
68 is good at criminality.
Actually i would be surprised if 68 were outstanding immigrants who scores high at school, with hard workers and intellectual people.

SomaliWadaniSoldier Al-SixtyEightian


North-West, London
What do you expect bro? Their grandparents were camel raiders, their fathers militiamen what do you expect their descendants will become? Its all in the DNA.

Lord of Warshiekh

Friend of a Selected few, The Rt.Hon.
What do you expect bro? Their grandparents were camel raiders, their fathers militiamen what do you expect their descendants will become? Its all in the DNA.
It’s not in your DNA to be violent. If so, Somalis have no point in the world and therefore, should cease to exist


North-West, London
It’s not in your DNA to be violent. If so, Somalis have no point in the world and therefore, should cease to exist

How comes Somalis are KNOWN to be violent? Somalia is a perfect example, country destroyed by violance. Lots of Somali boys I know are violent, if theres a problem that needs to be solved their first option is to sort it out with violence. Its a fact you cannot change.

Lord of Warshiekh

Friend of a Selected few, The Rt.Hon.
How comes Somalis are KNOWN to be violent? Somalia is a perfect example, country destroyed by violance. Lots of Somali boys I know are violent, if theres a problem that needs to be solved their first option is to sort it out with violence. Its a fact you cannot change.
It’s poor upbringing and adaptability to their host nations.


Puntland Youth Organiser
FKD Visionary
sometimes i wish all the western countries including australia kick out all the somalis ,deport them all back to somalia/somaliland,then they dont go to any other country but their own,either they turn their own country around for the better or die and get extinct,all or nothing
the reason why we allow our leaders to get away with their crap is because somalis don't invest much in their countries and just think about tahrib or sit his/her ass comfortable in somebody elses country pretending to know or care about their countries politics,if they had no other choice but to live in their countries they would ask and expect more from their leaders and would not allow groups like al shabaab to exist
Pick one.

Lord of Warshiekh

Friend of a Selected few, The Rt.Hon.
@Lord of Warshiekh

In England, knife attacks, in America and Canada shootings, in Scandinavia violent crimes, where can we adopt to?
It’s still upbringing, the parents are careless and give birth to 10-6 children, more than they can focus on. Like cadaans, they should give birth to 1-2 children and focus on them ONLY and help them through childhood so that they grow to become successful; in other words, african thinking is not acceptable in europe ( you won’t get passed living through benefits)
What has Somaliland got to do with this? Are the majority of Somalis in Denmark from Somaliland? Those numbers are beginning from the 2000’s and include those who were born and raised in Denmark.