
Do you see the 'RT" logo, is a Russian government channel. Russia and bashir assad are allies while the west and rebels are on the same team. Even though his some topics could be true, is biased.
Assad is scum of earth and hates sunnis. i don't care if America overthrows him as long as they replace him with sunni president.
Who created Isis is not Asad but someone hell bent on wiping out sunnis from Syria.

This was planned well by Saudis,emiratis and possibly qataris and mossad.
The only countries in which the USA has successfully implemented Democracy and became successful because of it are South Korea and Japan.
But it doesn't seem to work on muslim nations. There are over 22 members of the arab league and only 1 has successfully implemented democracy. Democracy is actually alien to the muslim world.
It also used to be alien to the western world but that's why it took them 180 years to implement democracy and it will also take 180 years to implement it in the muslim world.
Even though, I think that democracy is the best way to govern a state you also have to consider that expecting the muslim world to embrace secularism and democracy immediately (in the next 20 years) is absurd when it took centuries for westerners to embrace it.


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