Delegation from Sland welcomed into Kenya while Somalian ministers denied access

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SL are not even players in the region, all they're used for is to make the ex girlfriend jealous and these guys really believe they're making moves


Niggas been hoping on flights everywhere for 30 years and not 1 country has thrown you a bone. Naga aamusa at this point dawg


If wars can be started with lies, so can peace.
SL are not even players in the region, all they're used for is to make the ex boyfriend jealous and these guys really believe they're making moves


Niggas been hoping on flights everywhere for 30 years and not 1 country has thrown you a bone. Naga aamusa at this point dawg
Oh my god β€œSoMaLiLaNd iS wInNing, I hAtE SoMaLiA, I lOve Kikuyu gus” he said
As he typed from a dirty couch in government paid house somewhere ghetto in uk while sipping over sugared shaax.
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