DEG DEG: Information about....

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This is my first Deg Deg.lool:trumpsmirk:

K, now that your here. Take a look at this report.

Boko Haram and al-Shabab recruits 'lack religious schooling'

The survey, the first of its kind in Africa, profiled nearly 500 voluntary recruits to militant groups including al-Shabab and Boko Haram.

Finding a job is "the most acute need at the time of joining a group," the report finds.

It also points to government action as a "tipping point".

Most of those surveyed reported unhappy childhoods and a lack of parental supervision.

Researchers from the UN Development Programme (UNDP) spoke to recruits in Kenya, Nigeria, Somalia, Sudan, Cameroon and Niger to compile the report.

Al-Shabab is based in Somalia but often stages attacks in Kenya, while Nigeria's Boko Haram group has also spread to neighbouring Niger and Cameroon.

The researchers also interviewed people of similar backgrounds to those recruited, but who did not become radicalised.

Based on these sample groups, they say that receiving "at least six years of religious schooling [is] shown to reduce the likelihood of joining an extremist group by as much as 32%".


Recruitment is "predominantly face-to-face" rather than online as outside Africa, and the report says that many recruits come from borderland areas that have "suffered generations of marginalisation".

The killing or arrest of a family member or friend is a key trigger, according to the report, with over 70% of interviewees saying this or another form of government action was the "tipping point" before the final decision to join a militant group.


Intervention at a local level is the best way to prevent young people from being radicalised, the UNDP report authors say.

They suggest "community-led initiatives aimed at social cohesion" and "amplifying the voices of local religious leaders who advocate tolerance".

"The messenger... is as important as the message," says UNDP Africa Director Abdoulaye Mar Dieye.

"That trusted local voice is also essential to reducing the sense of marginalisation that can increase vulnerability to recruitment," he adds.
So we need more dugsi lessons to stop kids from joining cutthroat gangs? What if the macalin is a fanboy of Al-Kebab's theology? You can't defeat theocrats till you defeat their ideology. You have to teach people to be critical thinkers and not just follow what bearded morons say. The government should monitor the preachings of masjids to stop extremist material.
So we need more dugsi lessons to stop kids from joining cutthroat gangs? What if the macalin is a fanboy of Al-Kebab's theology? You can't defeat theocrats till you defeat their ideology. You have to teach people to be critical thinkers and not just follow what bearded morons say. The government should monitor the preachings of masjids to stop extremist material.

Its not that you need more dugsi. The focus should be on a curriculum and an educational system that is administered from the Ministry level.

The last time they caught children in Puntland who joined Alshabab, many of them couldn't read the quran. These children are being recruited because they lack hope and education. Increase education and enforce a curriculum for dugsi to follow and we can head in the right direction.

If a dugsi teacher is extreme, he should be thrown into a hole.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
I had an extreme macalin dugsi. He said that he only watches tv when the news is on, and if the anchor was a female, he would listen to it with his eyes closed. I said 'macalin why not just listen to the news on the radio?'. He almost beat me up. :francis:


I had an extreme macalin dugsi. He said that he only watches tv when the news is on, and if the anchor was a female, he would listen to it with his eyes closed. I said 'macalin why not just listen to the news on the radio?'. He almost beat me up. :francis:
:damn: Something I can imagine my macalin saying god bless him. I once asked him how do sheikhs chat to girls that day was yawmul qiyama for a YoungFarah:dead:
Easy said than done for a nation with a national budget of $260, 000,000 (Two hundred & sixty million dollars) for 2017. Factored in is all the financial aid expected from foreign powers for 2017.
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