Death wish of Kheyrlaawe: i will live with people and move out from fortified palace!

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Weeping for the Nation of 68
August 31 (Jowhar)— Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Soomaaliya Xasan Cali Kheyre ayaa sheegay inuu bilaabi doono howl aanay horay u sameyn Ra’iisul Wasaarayaashii soo maray dalka, isagoo ka dhawaajiyay inuu ka guuri doono Madaxtooyada oo uu degi doono mid ka mid ah xaafadaha Muqdisho.

Ra’iisul Wasaare Kheyre oo xalay si toos ah su’aalo looga weydiinayay barnaamijka kulanka Saxaafada iyo Xukuumadda ayaa la weydiiyay su’aal aheyd inuu shacabka soo dhex geli doono.

I didnt know Kheyrlaawe had a death wish!
August 31 (Jowhar)— Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Soomaaliya Xasan Cali Kheyre ayaa sheegay inuu bilaabi doono howl aanay horay u sameyn Ra’iisul Wasaarayaashii soo maray dalka, isagoo ka dhawaajiyay inuu ka guuri doono Madaxtooyada oo uu degi doono mid ka mid ah xaafadaha Muqdisho.

Ra’iisul Wasaare Kheyre oo xalay si toos ah su’aalo looga weydiinayay barnaamijka kulanka Saxaafada iyo Xukuumadda ayaa la weydiiyay su’aal aheyd inuu shacabka soo dhex geli doono.

I didnt know Kheyrlaawe had a death wish!
So extra man, just do your work instead of trying to impress people, damn.
lol just another publicity stunt along with his igu sawir shenanigans. It wasn't his choice to make this decision either, apparently everyone but the President has to leave the State House area due to upcoming development and construction efforts. Along with many ministers. I guess he's just the first to go public about it and boost his Ego a bit more.

Sad news is, he wont even get to make it to his other house in Mogadishu, he'll be tossed out by the parliament if he doesnt resign himself. He'll be back to coffee shop politics in Nairobi and Scandanavia in no time. He's committed political suicide on so many fronts.
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