Dear Protagonist

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I never knew you were free willed , you're mind is free from the shackles of insecurity and worries that enslave our ambitions and dreams, this comment you wrote was so beautiful it's almost poetic ,

I no longer care what others think of me, I am who I am. I no longer view women as sex objects, they are humans with emotions and thoughts too. Overall it's just made me a better person

you're ability to add emotion to u words is amazing , that comment is exactly how I think, I saw myself in your words, can you believe it?? Your words came to life when I read it, bc it describes everything I've seen and felt, I'm numb to the world but I still feel pain, You have reached the peak of consciousness, and elevated yourself above others, I respect you, No! actually I admire you... Truly you are a genius amongst the norm ,


Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf
he is truly a god among men for coming up with the earth shattering idea that women arent sex objects


future pirate king
Once you've seen the infinite beauty in this world, you realise you're insignificant in the grand scheme of things, so you can finally start livingm
Once you've seen the infinite beauty in this world, you realise you're insignificant in the grand scheme of things, so you can finally start livingm

I used to be blind to the beauty around me, blind because I never opened my mind, and only wanted negative Energy, people who don't have dreams and see the beauty in the smallest things, like a rose or even a tiny scorpion are blind, I'm starting to accept myself and beginning see things in different light. you know what's funny you will be mocked because what you'd say, how you express urself, it's sad but it shows how many laugh at what they don't comprehend


future pirate king
I used to be blind to the beauty around me, blind because I never opened my mind, and only wanted negative Energy, people who don't have dreams and see the beauty in the smallest things, like a rose or even a tiny scorpion are blind, I'm starting to accept myself and beginning see things in different light. you know what's funny you will be mocked because what you'd say, how you express urself, it's sad but it shows how many laugh at what they don't comprehend

Lol my mindset is because of drugs check my post on reddit
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