Dave Chapelle completely destroys woke culture


It is what it is

Here is the 1960 and 1964 election results.

I wonder what happened between 1960 and 1964 that made these states Republican?

Answer: The Republicans changed their electoral strategy to target the South with dog whistle rhetoric that continues to the present.

This is why Blacks vote Democrat


I should pull up stats on the amount of states that switched from Democrat to Republican in the 1960s.

Lindsay Graham’s congressional area was strongly Democrat 50 years ago but his predecessor switched to the Republicans and they have been voting Republican ever since.

I wonder why?
He is from the South Carolina. South Carolina is crazy racist. My dad said he passed through it and some redneck called them the n-word. In fact, it where Dylann roof killed 9 AAs for just being black. This made them remove the confederate emblem from their state flag


It is what it is
He is from the South Carolina. South Carolina is crazy racist. My dad said he passed through it and some redneck called them the n-word. In fact, it where Dylann roof killed 9 AAs for just being black. This made them remove the confederate emblem from their state flag

And people are saying Democrats are against Black interests.

Compared to the Republicans they are the ANC fighting apartheid.
It is the opposite in Australia.

The left and even the far-right are okay to talk to as long as you don’t mention your religion or talk about politics.

The centre-right (ironically called the Liberals) are the most annoying. Even other white Australians hate them because they’re all born with an internal sense of superiority that’s not grounded in reality. We call it “school captain syndrome” in Australia.

@Nilotic can back me up on this. The worst are the centre-right voters in Northern Sydney.

I agree with you within the Australian context.

The North Sydney Liberal party supporters have always been arrogant, insufferable pricks; their hollow elitism is only matched by their stunning ignorance.

In the American context, left-wing white people tend to be patronising, and routinely treat minorities like intellectually challenged children that couldn't possibly know what’s best for themselves.
I have a question for you:

Why do you think Republicans are successful in the South?

Google Lee Atwater and his impact on American electoral politics.
Yes Republicans are/were cunsuri when opposing the civil right movement just the way Democrats were/are cunsuri when they supported slavery.

I am talking about recent policies from like the welfare state to the reforms in education system under the Democrats that have completely decimated the black family. Whether they were intentional or ill adviced I dont know but one can definetly see that majority of the policies intended to uplift the black community have done the opposite.

Do you know who is Thomas Sowell? One who is familiar with his work cant be helped but be at the very least sceptical about the democrats' policies when it comes to the African Americans.


In the American context, left-wing white people tend to be patronising, and routinely treat minorities like intellectually challenged children that couldn't possibly know what’s best for themselves.

This is also an overlooked issue. Many of them covert racists, not in the conventual way, but in a patronizing way.

It makes a lot of sense for POCs in the West to be leftwing, but for white people it isn't as natural and the ones who become leftwing, especially far-left, are often weird ass people.


And people are saying Democrats are against Black interests.

Compared to the Republicans they are the ANC fighting apartheid.
too many people are idealist. the fact is democrats will always be significantly less crappy for black americans than republicans who will wage economic war on the middle and lower classes.


It is what it is
too many people are idealist. the fact is democrats will always be significantly less crappy for black americans than republicans

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t like the Democrats.

But I cannot take the argument that “they take advantage of Blacks” or “they secretly hate the Blacks” seriously.

The biggest proponent of this argument is Candace Owens who used to publicly call for the death of Republicans until she had a change of heart midway through the 2016 election.
@Apollo @Kulmiye @Nilotic @Periplus
i feel like some of you are don't know the magnitude of naked racism the republican party conveys. trump is their leader they die for so here are few examples of him at his best:

"In 1973 the U.S. Department of Justice sued Trump Management, Donald Trump and his father Fred, for discrimination against African Americans in their renting practices."


Taking out a full page ad calling for the death penalty of 4 falsely accused black teenagers who allegedly committed a violent rape. The evidence that they were innocent was and still is overwhelming. When they were exonerated, Trump didn't back down. In October 2016, when Trump campaigned to be president, he said that Central Park Five were guilty and that their convictions should never have been vacated, attracting criticism from the Central Park Five themselves and others."


"In a 1989 interview with Bryant Gumbel, Trump stated: "A well-educated black has a tremendous advantage over a well-educated white in terms of the job market."


In his 1991 book Trumped! John O'Donnell quoted Trump as allegedly saying:

I've got black accountants at Trump Castle and at Trump Plaza. Black guys counting my money! I hate it. [...] And it's probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks."


"During the early 1990s, competition from an expanding Native American casino industry threatened his Atlantic City investments. During this period Trump stated that "nobody likes Indians as much as Donald Trump" but then claimed without evidence that the mob had infiltrated Native American casinos, that there was no way "Indians" or an "Indian chief" could stand up to the mob, implied that the casinos were not in fact owned by Native Americans based on the owners' appearance, and depicted Native Americans as greedy."


"In April 2005, Trump appeared on Howard Stern's radio show, where Trump proposed that the fourth season of the television show The Apprentice would feature an exclusively white team of blondes competing against a team of only African-Americans."


"In 2011, Trump revived the already discredited Barack Obama citizenship conspiracy theories that had been circulating since Obama's 2008 presidential campaign, and, for the following five years, he played a leading role in the so-called "birther movement""


Here are a FEW examples of his racism during and after his campaign and presidency.

"At a rally in Birmingham, Alabama on November 21, 2015, Trump falsely claimed that he had seen television reports about "thousands and thousands" of Arabs in New Jersey celebrating as the World Trade Center collapsed during the 9/11 attacks."


"In August 2016 Trump campaigned in Maine, which has a large immigrant Somali population. At a rally he said, "We've just seen many, many crimes getting worse all the time, and as Maine knows — a major destination for Somali refugees — right, am I right?" Trump also alluded to risks of terrorism, referring to an incident in June 2016 when three young Somali men were found guilty of planning to join the Islamic State in Syria."


"Prior to and during the 2016 campaign, Trump used his political platform to spread disparaging messages against various racial groups. Trump claimed, "the overwhelming amount of violent crime in our cities is committed by blacks and Hispanics," that "there's killings on an hourly basis virtually in places like Baltimore and Chicago and many other places," that "There are places in America that are among the most dangerous in the world. You go to places like Oakland. Or Ferguson. The crime numbers are worse. Seriously," and retweeted a false claim that 81% of white murder victims were killed by black people."


"During the campaign Trump was found to have retweeted the main influencers of the #WhiteGenocide movement over 75 times, including twice that he retweeted a user with the handle @WhiteGenocideTM."


"Trump also falsely claimed that, "African American communities are absolutely in the worst shape they've ever been in before. Ever.""


"Trump also suggested that evangelicals should not trust Ted Cruz because Cruz is Cuban and that Jeb Bush "has to like the Mexican illegals because of his wife," who is Mexican American."

"Speaking in Virginia in August 2016, Trump said, "You're living in your poverty, your schools are no good, you have no jobs, 58 percent of your youth is unemployed – what the hell do you have to lose by trying something new, like Trump?""


"On January 27, 2017, via executive order, which he titled Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States, President Trump ordered the U.S border indefinitely closed to Syrian refugees fleeing the civil war. He also abruptly temporarily halted (for 90 days) immigration from six other Muslim-majority nations: Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen."


"In June 2017, Trump called together a staff meeting to complain about the number of immigrants who had entered the country since his inauguration. The New York Times reported that two officials at the meeting state that when Trump read off a sheet stating that 15,000 persons had visited from Haiti, he commented, "They all have AIDS," and when reading that 40,000 persons had visited from Nigeria, he said that after seeing America the Nigerians would never “go back to their huts.""


"The U.S. Department of Justice concluded that Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio oversaw the worst pattern of racial profiling in U.S. history. The illegal tactics that he was using included "extreme racial profiling and sadistic punishments that involved the torture, humiliation, and degradation of Latino inmates". The DoJ filed suit against him for unlawful discriminatory police conduct. He ignored their orders and was subsequently convicted of contempt of court for continuing to racially profile Hispanics. Calling him "a great American patriot", President Trump pardoned him soon afterwards, even before sentencing took place."


"In his initial statement on the rally, Trump did not denounce white nationalists but instead condemned "hatred, bigotry, and violence on many sides". His statement and his subsequent defenses of it, in which he also referred to "very fine people on both sides", suggested a moral equivalence between the white supremacist marchers and those who protested against them, leading some observers to state that he was sympathetic to white supremacy."


"On January 11, 2018, during an Oval Office meeting about immigration reform, commenting on immigration figures from El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras, and African countries, Trump reportedly said: "Those shitholes send us the people that they don't want", and suggested that the US should instead increase immigration from "places like Norway" and Asian countries."
@Apollo @Kulmiye @Nilotic @Periplus
i feel like some of you are don't know the magnitude of naked racism the republican party conveys. trump is their leader they die for so here are few examples of him at his best:

"In 1973 the U.S. Department of Justice sued Trump Management, Donald Trump and his father Fred, for discrimination against African Americans in their renting practices."


Taking out a full page ad calling for the death penalty of 4 falsely accused black teenagers who allegedly committed a violent rape. The evidence that they were innocent was and still is overwhelming. When they were exonerated, Trump didn't back down. In October 2016, when Trump campaigned to be president, he said that Central Park Five were guilty and that their convictions should never have been vacated, attracting criticism from the Central Park Five themselves and others."


"In a 1989 interview with Bryant Gumbel, Trump stated: "A well-educated black has a tremendous advantage over a well-educated white in terms of the job market."


In his 1991 book Trumped! John O'Donnell quoted Trump as allegedly saying:

I've got black accountants at Trump Castle and at Trump Plaza. Black guys counting my money! I hate it. [...] And it's probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks."


"During the early 1990s, competition from an expanding Native American casino industry threatened his Atlantic City investments. During this period Trump stated that "nobody likes Indians as much as Donald Trump" but then claimed without evidence that the mob had infiltrated Native American casinos, that there was no way "Indians" or an "Indian chief" could stand up to the mob, implied that the casinos were not in fact owned by Native Americans based on the owners' appearance, and depicted Native Americans as greedy."


"In April 2005, Trump appeared on Howard Stern's radio show, where Trump proposed that the fourth season of the television show The Apprentice would feature an exclusively white team of blondes competing against a team of only African-Americans."


"In 2011, Trump revived the already discredited Barack Obama citizenship conspiracy theories that had been circulating since Obama's 2008 presidential campaign, and, for the following five years, he played a leading role in the so-called "birther movement""


Here are a FEW examples of his racism during and after his campaign and presidency.

"At a rally in Birmingham, Alabama on November 21, 2015, Trump falsely claimed that he had seen television reports about "thousands and thousands" of Arabs in New Jersey celebrating as the World Trade Center collapsed during the 9/11 attacks."


"In August 2016 Trump campaigned in Maine, which has a large immigrant Somali population. At a rally he said, "We've just seen many, many crimes getting worse all the time, and as Maine knows — a major destination for Somali refugees — right, am I right?" Trump also alluded to risks of terrorism, referring to an incident in June 2016 when three young Somali men were found guilty of planning to join the Islamic State in Syria."


"Prior to and during the 2016 campaign, Trump used his political platform to spread disparaging messages against various racial groups. Trump claimed, "the overwhelming amount of violent crime in our cities is committed by blacks and Hispanics," that "there's killings on an hourly basis virtually in places like Baltimore and Chicago and many other places," that "There are places in America that are among the most dangerous in the world. You go to places like Oakland. Or Ferguson. The crime numbers are worse. Seriously," and retweeted a false claim that 81% of white murder victims were killed by black people."


"During the campaign Trump was found to have retweeted the main influencers of the #WhiteGenocide movement over 75 times, including twice that he retweeted a user with the handle @WhiteGenocideTM."


"Trump also falsely claimed that, "African American communities are absolutely in the worst shape they've ever been in before. Ever.""


"Trump also suggested that evangelicals should not trust Ted Cruz because Cruz is Cuban and that Jeb Bush "has to like the Mexican illegals because of his wife," who is Mexican American."

"Speaking in Virginia in August 2016, Trump said, "You're living in your poverty, your schools are no good, you have no jobs, 58 percent of your youth is unemployed – what the hell do you have to lose by trying something new, like Trump?""


"On January 27, 2017, via executive order, which he titled Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States, President Trump ordered the U.S border indefinitely closed to Syrian refugees fleeing the civil war. He also abruptly temporarily halted (for 90 days) immigration from six other Muslim-majority nations: Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen."


"In June 2017, Trump called together a staff meeting to complain about the number of immigrants who had entered the country since his inauguration. The New York Times reported that two officials at the meeting state that when Trump read off a sheet stating that 15,000 persons had visited from Haiti, he commented, "They all have AIDS," and when reading that 40,000 persons had visited from Nigeria, he said that after seeing America the Nigerians would never “go back to their huts.""


"The U.S. Department of Justice concluded that Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio oversaw the worst pattern of racial profiling in U.S. history. The illegal tactics that he was using included "extreme racial profiling and sadistic punishments that involved the torture, humiliation, and degradation of Latino inmates". The DoJ filed suit against him for unlawful discriminatory police conduct. He ignored their orders and was subsequently convicted of contempt of court for continuing to racially profile Hispanics. Calling him "a great American patriot", President Trump pardoned him soon afterwards, even before sentencing took place."


"In his initial statement on the rally, Trump did not denounce white nationalists but instead condemned "hatred, bigotry, and violence on many sides". His statement and his subsequent defenses of it, in which he also referred to "very fine people on both sides", suggested a moral equivalence between the white supremacist marchers and those who protested against them, leading some observers to state that he was sympathetic to white supremacy."


"On January 11, 2018, during an Oval Office meeting about immigration reform, commenting on immigration figures from El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras, and African countries, Trump reportedly said: "Those shitholes send us the people that they don't want", and suggested that the US should instead increase immigration from "places like Norway" and Asian countries."

They know, but they don't identify with AAs, which is fine. But they need to understand that in the West, anything that effects black people effects them. Not understanding that simple truth is the height of delusion.



America has a lot of racial politics.

In Europe it is more about cultural shit, integration (clash of cultures), and Islam. Race is not really much of a political issue.

Here is the 1960 and 1964 election results.

I wonder what happened between 1960 and 1964 that made these states Republican?

Answer: The Republicans changed their electoral strategy to target the South with dog whistle rhetoric that continues to the present.

This is why Blacks vote Democrat

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View attachment 203903
Wasnt Lyndon.B.Johnson notorious racist?

According to Caro, Robert Parker, Johnson's sometime chauffer, described in his memoir Capitol Hill in Black and White a moment when Johnson asked Parker whether he'd prefer to be referred to by his name rather than "boy," "" or "chief." When Parker said he would, Johnson grew angry and said, "As long as you are black, and you’re gonna be black till the day you die, no one’s gonna call you by your goddamn name. So no matter what you are called, , you just let it roll off your back like water, and you’ll make it. Just pretend you’re a goddamn piece of furniture."
Donald Glover Reaction GIF


What do you think of old school british socialism?

What do you mean?

Social Democracy came from mainland Europe and has been most effectively implemented in Scandinavia. It isn't from the UK.

The UK Labour party hasn't been in power for a long ass time, and the previous time they were in power they were led by a neoliberal (Blaire).


It is what it is
Wasnt Lyndon.B.Johnson notorious racist?

Donald Glover Reaction GIF

Yes because the Southern racists during that period voted Democrat. This is a non-argument which actually proves my point.

As I said in my first post about Republicans, I am talking post-1965.

Since 1964, the Republicans have openly advertised to Southern Whites that became disillusioned with the passing of the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act.
@Periplus @alexander

The leftwingers in Western mainland Europe tend to be more extreme. What is considered center-left here is what is far-left in most of the Anglo world.

I swear they are intolerable, especially leftwing white men.

The center-right whites I know generally care about working hard, building up their career or have entrepreneurial ambitions, raising a family, often still Christian etc. They are honestly more wholesome and many of them aren't racist (I am not talking about the far-right here, just the center-right).

Leftwing whites on the other hand, if you get to know them very well, you notice many of them are deeply disturbing. They think humanity is doomed, hate the entire system, aren't ambitious and think everything is rigged. They are also very narcissistic at the same time (think everything revolves around them, no sense of community, almost all are atheist, many of them are also into drugs or doing degenerate sexual stuff). You get negative vibes from hanging out with them.
they seem to be obsessed with internet issues like transgender instead of real issues like poverty

european lefties are very reasonable, its the americans who talk about rigged system and systemic racism


they seem to be obsessed with internet issues like transgender instead of real issues like poverty

european lefties are very reasonable, its the americans who talk about rigged system and systemic racism

You live in Scandinavia, different dynamic. Social Democrats are the establishment there and keep the far left in check to some extent.

Rest of Western Europe, centrists or the center-right tend to be in power with a rapidly declining center-left and a rising far-left (especially Greens). Lefties are more extremist there.


It is what it is
Yes Republicans are/were cunsuri when opposing the civil right movement just the way Democrats were/are cunsuri when they supported slavery.

I am talking about recent policies from like the welfare state to the reforms in education system under the Democrats that have completely decimated the black family. Whether they were intentional or ill adviced I dont know but one can definetly see that majority of the policies intended to uplift the black community have done the opposite.

Do you know who is Thomas Sowell? One who is familiar with his work cant be helped but be at the very least sceptical about the democrats' policies when it comes to the African Americans.

Google the Filibuster and reconciliation.

It is very hard for Democrats to pass their legislation intact, it usually get littered with Republican policies before it gets presidential assent.

Mitch McConnell has made sure for the past decade that the Democrats cannot pass any legislation that fits their agenda. He has admitted to as much himself.

As for Thomas Sowell, he reminds me of the borderline atheist Muslims that end up joining ISIS. He went from Marxist to Libertarian, both of which are extremely stupid ideologies.
they seem to be obsessed with internet issues like transgender instead of real issues like poverty

european lefties are very reasonable, its the americans who talk about rigged system and systemic racism

I fail to see how talking about a rigged system and systematic racism is unreasonable. Anyone with eyes and a working unbiased mind can see how systematic and sadistic American racism is. They were hanging black men for entertainment, during our parents life time and you think everything is kumbaya and all in AAs minds?