Dark skninned Somalis are legitimately the most gorgeous, attractive and unique Somalis

What the self-hating xalimos who bleach their skin forget is that physiognomy (the shape/look of the face) and skin complexion go together.

It's truly ironic: If you legitimately come to have a Western point of view, in the case of the Somalis it's the especially dark-skinned ethnic Somalis who are more favored to become models.
Don’t know why people care so much about skin colour I’ve seen clapped light skins, dark skins ,brown skins

One isn’t better than the other


Arabist| Akh-Right Movement|احب الملكات العرب
This darkskin is attractive agenda is so forced and cringe, its like those people who want to normalise attraction towards obese women. Lightskin women are universally known to be more beautiful than darkskin women as it shows more feminity, softness etc where as darkskin men are more attractive to women as it shows more masculinity, virlity, dominance etc.

Its true of all cultures not just the west, so trying to pin down people who glorify lightskin women as being warped into a western style of beauty standard is untrue.

