Damul Jadid and Sheikh Sharif

I mean what exactly is this group Damul Jadid? Are they really Muslim Brotherhood? Ex president HSM doesn't seem to be ideological at all more like just a technocrat

Does Sheikh Sharif align himself with Damul Jadid/MB or is he even less secular?


HSM is just a member, Deni and Rooble too. They don’t have a leader. But they do like to appoint from within.

Damul Jadiid is a splinter of Al-Islah (formed in the 70s and was Somali MB). MSB designated them as terrorists and arrested/killed them so they went underground and focused on education. They were explicitly anti-violence

But Yh Damul Jadiid was formed in 06 by some
Al-Islah members who were anti-Ethiopia invasion and fought alongside other Islamist groups part of the ICU.

But since they left they’ve stopped believing in violence to establish an Islamic state and just become a political party.

