Damn The South Is Poor


If you look at the south contribution to GDP which is purely agriculture even at it's maximum value was 40% of GDP. If GDP is $7 billion a year, the whole south is producing $2.8 billion dollars. What is scary though the population ratio to GDP over in the south. If the population is 15 million, 40% of that is farmers, which is 6 million pool of people. The dynamics have changed now due to the displacement of the farmer into urban pool which is only 20% originally and has ballooned to 40% population ratio to GDP. The urban production economy which is purely services is only 20% of GDP yet it's population is 40% see the mismatch yet? the level of items are the same yet the population has balloned to 20% increases yet items haven't inceased an iota it's still 1.4 billion dollars of items.

So Nation wide every urban area is producing 1.4 billion dollars. which is a pool of 3 million but now it's somewhere to 5-6 million yet production in the urban area is still the same their has been no increase from that original 1.4 billion dollars which was 3 million population production worth. So they got essentially 1-2 million extra load on top of 1.4 billion. This means urban poverty rate is far higher then before plus things are far more expensive due to production and population out of sync.

If it was bad before it's just ten times worse now living costs for those areas. 1.4 billion being split 6 million population which means each person has $233 dollars in urban areas, if you adjust the 20% IDP rate out of the equation the production value of urban area is $466 per person. So their cost of living increased 2 x times which means their povery rate has increased 2 x times due to that IDP flooding.

They added more people then needed for their urban economy, which means every item has to increase at rate of 100% all across the board from veggies-fruits-housing-comms-water-money transfer-restaurants-shops will adjust their item pricing to reflect the over-demand of population on scarce resources. So if something was worth 2 dollars u should see an increase of double the price, it may only stay the same in areas of low consumption but in areas of high consumption and the production still reflecting a 20% urban pool which was already 'low' it just became even lower kkkkk.

Most of the effect will be felt in Mogadishu as the shift of IDPS hit them the hardest as the rest of the nation took in handful in comparison which obviously re-adjusted their cost of living also but not the extent of mogadishu, Mogadishu has to be most expensive city in Somalia which is a bad economic indicator as it means your producing less then what your population pool is.

For a population pool of 20% urban in the past u were producing 1.4 billion, now with a population of 40% urban your still producing at the same rate, which can only lead to more people but less resource scenario and hence expensive prices as prices are always linked to production and consumption. If your consumption exceeds production, prices increase your paying essentially for the same item in PL at an inflated price due to your production not matching your population pool. It's an indicator of poverty only that is widespread as people have less money due to prices being out of sync with their meager $233 yearly income and the market will re-adjusts it's prices to ensure it's selling at the same rate it was intended 20% population pool of $433 urban income which is now slashed to $233 per person while prices have upped to 100% per unit prices, essentially leading to their $233 giving them worse life then it was before by 100% kkkkkk as they can't purchase as much as they would've if the IDP didn't flood the place and make the market re-adjust it's prices to accomodate for this more demand, becuz the goods haven't changed in quantity whatsoever it's still the same level of goods just the people demand has.


For the urban areas to remain just the same cost of living n poverty levels would've needed to increase their production 20% and that keeps thing 'steady' their still damn poor but their cost of living wouldn't of been different.

They just became poorer 2 times more poorer then they were before as their paying more for the same items due to 'scarcity' levels, it was intended for 3 million ppl that 1.4 billion 6 million urban pool and even that was still shocking levels mismatch


Don't listen to @Farjano-Walad his a graduate from allah institute of economics and uses hadith-sciences or rasul philosophies while this woman @Asli and her southy female are busy in skin-care routines on 2 dollar product kkkk they added $2 dollars to their face while they do big futo niikos for free which isn't even 'charged' that's how cheap she is going for kkkkkk

Watch the two 'rasuulis' respond with 'qashin' or 'emotional' blast nothing that is really beyond 'islamic cries' of dying cult, watch them attack me personally and not what I said since they know it's all fact so they need to resort to emotional outburts to win fans on anger like all their muslims do. While I sit with my liberal economic professor and we exclaim 'sky daddie' n 'quranic rhymes' doesn't create a single product kkkkk and no product means poverty


What's funny if you look at the dent to agriculture labour pool, u shud expect a uniform price hike nation wide since their only producing now half of their production value which was 2.8 billion which relied on a 6 million farmer pool kkkk.

Now the pool is down to 3 million and their production method is still the same, so their output has slashed to accomodate that 1.2 million exodus into the urban area. Their producing now 2.8 billion slashed by 50%, so it's around 1.4 billion veggies/fruits circulating nation wide to account for the dip in population pool from 6 million to 3 million cuz they were 40% and now 20% of the GDP. So 50% has to be taken out of their produce.

This should lead to prices adjusting nation wide as 15 million people fight over 1.4 billion dollars worth of veggies/fruits a year. It should be more expensive in PL due to the transport to market distnce involved. By how much u wud assume a baseline of if it was $1 dollar a kilo when it was 6 million population farmer, u can assusme it's $2 dollars now for the same kilo of fruits/veggies obviously 'scarcity' of different veggies/fruits will also adjust prices but I am looking at the overall agriculture output not the item by item ratio in the nation.

The rest of the market in PL is quite stable though especially anything from bosaso port imports, except u wud need to account for 60k or so 'added' southern futos to our urban pool which shud create an inflation rate higher around bosaso and adjust back to normal in most other areas as their isn't a huge population pool of them like hamar but its still going to effect us since their ratio of bosaso population will leave an effect


I even measure the difference in prices for your southern futo $2.8 billion fruits/vegs by population of 6 million would've meant prices would've been around $186 dollars on people national spend on fruits/veggies yearly, so that's $15 a month, that's 3 dollars a day nation wide. It would be differently 'adjusted' urban area to urban area obviously depending on 'idp' constraints there. But now it's 15 million ppl/1.4 billion fruits/vegs.

Their over-all spend yearly now is $96 dollars. U see the difference from high of 186 when the nation was still 40% farming 20% urban 40% nomadic, just that small farmer pool changing into urban has over-constrained resources which has now led to overall lesser consumption meaning POVERTY, their only spending $93 dollars a year due to that southern futo camping out in the urban areas and if those who still have the same consumption rate their paying the difference percentage wise on each veggies/fruits between 93 dollars and 186 dollars that is 50% extra their going to have to pay to enjoy the same level of fruit/veggie consumption. Their going to have fork out an extra $100 dollars on top of their normal income yearly just to enjoy the same level of fruits/veggies consumption. No wonder your all called stinky futos, you are fighting n killing each other over 1.4 billion dollars of fruits/veggies at 15 million population size kkkkk.

But since the shabab effect on the south and half the farmers leaving, it has left a dent on production by 50% since their overall population was 40% of the population it's down to 20% now which is 50% dip in people and hence 50% dip in production will follow since they haven't filled that void with machinery or other methods of production to increase yield across their remaining 3 million farmers, methods of production are still 'rasuuli' and 'allah institute' like as @Farjano-Walad philosophy leads too.

Amish are the same also so I ain't picking on Islam alone, it's just religion founded in primitive time period hence it's production method won't be any different kkkkkk, plus they have an islamic economics remember their banking system which if u look at it is a joke of epic porportions kkkkk as it's an FDI model and means more costs to borrowers like the hamar turk ownership of it's port as it's split 50/50 for 30 years kkkk all for meagre $180 million principal, Islamic banking is idential as they split your profit n losses over the duration of loan and their profit margin which isn't 'fixed' but can be 'made up' as they go kkk since it's following 'allah institute and rasul philosophy' kkkkk where as a proper conventional bank is stable and tells you what their returns over the loan period are.

It would've cost Somalia only 3% per annum to get a loan from international banks rather then go FDI model and lose 50/50 over 30 years kkkkkk which is 1 billion in lossed revenue for the nation where-as with a conventional bank it would've been 3% yearly x 30 years which is 90% profit margin for the bank on an investment of 200 million port upgrade deal.

That's means the nation is would've only serviced 3% per annum on a 180 million over 30 years. That's 380 million total servicing cost to the nation for that principle/interest ratio. Yet the turks total principle is 180 million yet it's 50/50 revenue sharing giving them $1 billion over 30 year on an identical principle. That's why Islamic psuedo-science of allah institute and rasul philosophy do not own even 1% of the global banking wealth as no-one besides a small islamic nutcases which is very small 'ratio' to the global ratio kkkkk

We could've saved 800 million going into other useful production enabling infrastructure but no this 'allah institute n rasuuli philosophy' is in the nation with ribba is haram f*ck u waryaa ribba is saving of 800 million per loan then FDI or Islamic revenue sharing which is the same FDI philosophy. That's why liberal economist and @Farjano-Walad isma arki karan, he will be told to leave the facilities immediately and go back to your religious university that produces nothing of value kkkkk.


@Farjano-Walad cannot explain why $100 million month worth of veggies/fruit is circulating in a population pool of 15 million as GDP can be calculated to monthly/weekly/daily consumption rates. Since it's 1.4 billion of the GDP yearly, it's $100 million monthly. The population dynamics doesn't fluctate it's fixed to 15 million, hence why u need to work on the production side not the population side don't keep breeding u dumb cunts u just get poorer as more people need to share $100 million a month worth of veggies/fruit kkkkkk.

U shud be cutting out the breeding all together not increasing it.

That's 6 dollars a month per person on veggies meaning $1.50 a week goes into their fruit/vegs nation wide, that's why they all look so malnourished, imagine having $6 dollars a month worth of veggies/fruit for 15 million population, when we atheists have that just 'daily' in the west. $6 dollars worth of fruits/veggies is spent daily in western GDP calculation per person, cause we don't follow rasuul philosophy or allah institutes but liberal economics and ivy league economist


Puntites watch @Farjano-Walad explode when we work our 'regional' dynamics to GDP, he doesn't mind national number cause he can hide himself under it but as puntites we don't like national numbers but regional statistics to show you where the 'deadweight' is kkkkk

PL already has 40% of the GDP locked to 9 million market HS/GM/EASTERN SL/MAKHIR/KHATUMO/WARDER. So put away that since there is no competition in 40% of the GDP except 'berbera' but it's 'market reach' is only 'ogaden' kkkkk and wouldn't leave 5% dent maximum on the 40% national earnings.

Plus that isaaq nigga is being disciplined by 'garacad' omar mahmud who will not 'accept' that he is eating away at 5% in the 'livestock game' and developed 'garacad' and will haul Farjano agah ass into 'garacad' while slapping his absame cuties futos and saying look at your 'agah' man in 'garacad' kkkkk as we strip him of his 'production value' in 'garacad' kkkkk and enrich omar mahmoudis kkkkkk

So let's talk on the 60% remaining GDP. Now put 20% away which is 1.4 billion into fruits/veggies as that is a game for JL/HS/GM to entertain as PL isn't in that race by a long-shot with it's small production rates just like Isaaq stands no chance in the livestock market when 9 million of that population is tied to bosaso port with ali saleman/osman mahmud hauling their futos in for a 'pure gangbang' on nomads

9 millon market-share from 15 million is static 60% share across services since it's linked to imports and we are there by ourselves as ogligarch niggas. Where-as livestock is far smaller national profile and not a nation wide thing and only between PL/SL so PL share is 90% since we own 9 million nomadic centers that will constitute majority of that 40% GDP game.

It's the services/industries that is only shared nation wide and PL is 9 million market of imports hence all their service industry is linked to imports nothing is made locally kkkkk. So give PL it's 60% share of that 40% gdp sector.

So it's looking like this or PL share of national GDP

60% for services/industry = 1.6 billion earnings
90% for the livestock game = 2.5 billion earnings
99% of the 5% share in fishery = $150 million
Total PL GDP is = 4.15 billion dollars

Then add our JL GDP which is another 15% of the market share. 1.7 million gedo/jubba markets.
So from services/industry swipe away 15% from the remaining 3 billion which is another 450 million in our pockets. So PL/JL GDP is 4.15 billion plus $450 million in JL. Total is 4.5 billion of the 7 billion GDP which is an overall share of the nation by 65% alone for Majerten 'ogligarchs'.

What's interesting is we also sharing in the remaining $2.5 million especially in Mogadishu thru blue sky electricity market share of the urban area and Amal market share on the money transer. So even if that 2.5 billion which isn't all mogadishu as some is going towards SL but at least 1 billion is staying in mogadishu and we got hand in there. We own the largest hotel in Hargeisa also so our 'royal' palace will equate to all the hotel sectors combined in that city, so we eating there but not like mogadishu.

As I said if u add our national share of everything it's close to 5.5 billion just in majerten ogligarchs, where-as the rest is shared with somali-wayn. The nation maybe 4.5 politically but the economics isn't, it's 80% majerten alone and 30% the rest.

Majerten has GDP per capita of 5 billion/3.5 million of $1500 per majerten but if we share it nation wide with the extra southern n northern futos obviously our ratio will be less as we are being added into the unproductive somali economy. Lakin hadi qabiil iyo qabiil loo faristo, majerten GDP rates are very well in comparison to ethiopia overall 800, we are about 2 times richer then ethiopians on majerten vs ethiopian basis not 'somali' as they drag us down into their gaajo futo hell.

While the rest of somalia is 2 billion GDP for 12 million people is $175 dollars per clan member
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Warya, I am not a Liberal economist, get it right and at least use the right term and learn the meaning of the words you are using,

I am a Libertarian economist: libertarian means they prefer free market, free trade, lower taxes, limited state intervention for the state gives monopolistic favours to a few friends, i prefer capitalism and allowing entrepreneurs to create their goods/services and sell with out being forced to pay bribes or being friends with the presidents nephew in order to be allowed to sell their goods to the market, low regulations for regulations kill innovation and increase costs to consumers and producers a like

Liberals, a term high jacked by statist homo love trans obsessed communist/socialist are Not my cup of tea for they hate free trade, free market, religion, they want abortion, promiscuity and are usually atheist just like you obsessed with state interventionism where they pick winners and losers in the market depending on how much bribe they can extract from producers/willing entrepreneurs

libertarians were called liberals in the 1900s until the socialist branded theme levs as liberals and thus old liberals called themselves liberation to avoid confusion

keep up Zambian monkey, keep up,

economically I am thus a liberating, love for free trad , free market, allowed entrepreneurs, lower taxes, ideally fixed taxes,

religious/socially i am a conservative, economically a libertarian,

Zanzibarian monkey, keep that in mind, i loath socialist liberals atheist obsessed with state control and state interventionism like you,


@Farjano-Walad libertarians are not ivy league educated, their educated at institutes like liberty university which is where your philosophy is supported not harvard/oxford/stanford and the most pretigious academics and don't pull out one anomoly libertarian in ivy league since it's what your peer consensus is that determines academic policie not what some 'rogue' says who can't change his peers position is simple mythology like your institute called allah economics n your libertarian philosophy is grounded in rasuul philosophy kkkkk.

The funny thing is you are not even an ogligarch clan in somalia and playing in the 2 billion GDP market shared by 12 million Somalis kkkk, your actually hurting yourself promoting an ogligarch as that's all free market creates as Majerten have 300 years experience in this biij, you don't as you were even nomadic even till somalis came into kenya as u owned nothing in the economics and were taught by us. Social liberalism led to ogaden wealth kenya as it could've remained still an ogligarch if it wasnt for majerten intervention which is sultanate or nation intervention methods to lift your clan up into being at least 'player' even though your not 'sector' and never will be you will just among one of the many shop fronts and hotels NOT THE WHOLE THE GAME LIKE MAJERTEN


Even oil/gold/minerals since they will form as 'sectors' will not include you waryaa @Farjano-Walad as puntites shift quickly to 'chokehold' it by ensuring only 'PL' produces it and no where else allowed as we won't compete with Somali wide production of oil and if that even does occur, it will ensure that it keeps their oil sector in PL/JL locked to majerten while also 'eating' in the HAG sector like we do now with blue sky electricity and amal bank, we will also keep our shit to ourselves and ensure at MJ 80%/ Somali 20% ratio remains in Somalia no matter what sort of investment happens on the ground, that OGLIGARCHY RATIO is like the 'tawheed' of Somali economics since the union that majerten has 80% of the wealth and Somalis share 20% of the wealth, so it doesn't matter what investment comes, nothing will change in those 'dynamics' as it will be unlikely they will tolerate 'sector' economy to change the 'mj' choke hold on the nation with 80% share already in their production 'area' and only 20% outside their production zone and even in those 20% outside our production economy, we are key SECTOR PLAYERS in hamar.

The oil sector is going thru our 'ports' just like livestock is. Mogadishu port won't be oil export area bruv just livestock isnt as we swinged it away to bosaso port for 9 million population market. U really think they will accept that any real hard commodity goes thru mogadishu port besides their small market share nation wide which is pissing us off already as majerten that hags are trying to be sector players in the 20% GDP remainder of 2 billion lol and we wont allow it, he will be business person just like u waryaa and nothing more, markad wixina isku darsatan as an industry of 100s of businessees u will see how your 'dallad' will be nothing in govt eyes compared to majerten ogligarch n sector players. MJ are already in oil/infrastructure game as big time players in east africa not SHOP FRONTS like u
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Where did you get these numbers? I can guess the productivity in the agricultural sector is extremely sub-optimal because as we see in the bad input-output ratio. I.e. the farmers need the training to do proper farmwork that yields improved efficacy to increase profitability.

We need new farm survey data–no offense–but all the data posted on this forum are very unreliable for any serious practical purposes as they're all heuristic approximations of mostly outdated statistics and used only to further clan bias. Outside of the funny stuff, they're not helpful.

MT Foxtrot

as puntites shift quickly to 'chokehold' it by ensuring only 'PL' produces it and no where else allowed as we won't compete with Somali wide production of oil and if that even does occur, it will ensure that it keeps their oil sector in PL/JL locked to majerten while also 'eating' in the HAG sector like we do now with blue sky electricity and amal bank, we will also keep our shit to ourselves and ensure at MJ 80%/ Somali 20% ratio remains in Somalia no matter what sort of investment happens on the ground, that OGLIGARCHY RATIO is like the 'tawheed' of Somali economics since the union

Thank you for making the case against qabilism far better than I ever could. If anyone genuinely wants to enact a system which privileges someone on something as arbitrary as their clan, you deserve to be committed.
high population density, lack of organised government and corruption galore. Those are the only reasons, the northern states are much easier to manage and control since they are sparsley populated and mostly clan homogenous.

