D&m elders side with rooble and apologize on behalf of laftagareen and the corrupt sws mamuul

Beesha @Jiron and many other subclan from D&m kursi have been robbed by the corrupt laftagareen

The ethiopian occupied mamuul even arrests 13 year olds who criticize the incompetent government

I dont think Xabashistaan protects the Baraawe based paper government. Rooble has leverage over them through Shiikh General IndhaCadde affiliates in the region
Good laftagreen is acting like farmajo girlfriend-thats not politics.

Hes spineless , his only supporters are from N&N .the ppl of baay and bakool had enough of him.
Lafta has turned the mamuul into family bussines employing only his relatives who have come from abroad to milk Somalia .

I hope when Farmaajo leaves, Leeysaan takes back their Mamuul from this Farmaajo stooges and liberate KG from AS.

Reer baay and bakool went from a strong xariin leader like shati gaduud who was advocating for autonomous sws to a spineless coward like laftagareen .
His "isbaaro" comments and speach was laughable to say the least , where was this dude when Aden madoobe was in the trenches freeing bay and bakool or when roobow and his loyal men were fighting ethiopians and later on al Shabaab without the help of the government ?
One of the seats laftagareen is fighting for and beign on hold by the resolution committee is that of former mp sareedo mohamed who have held this seat for the past 20+ years , she recently won with help of laftagareen blocking other contestants and only contesting with her 15 year old niece
