Current situation in Somaliland due to the unrest in Oromia since 12/09/2017

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This is what happens when your entire economy depends on Ethiopia. :snoop:

Dhibaatada Durba la soo Deristay Somaliland.

Samaynta uu la dagaalanka Oramadu ku yeeshay Somaliland.
1. Isku Socodkii dadka ee Magaaloyin waaweyn ee Ethiopia iyo Somaliland oo xagga dhulka hakad ka galay.
2. Dadkii diyaaradaha ku imanayey Hargeisa oo fight kii ka buuxsameeyn oo dib u dhac safar ku yimid.
3. Kastamkii kalabaydh oo 600,000,000 ka so soo bixi jirey oo ila 12/9/2017 an shilin ka soo bixin.
4. Dukaanadii wajaale oo aan shalfad laga iibsan.
5. 80/100 wixii Berbera ka soo degaayey ee ganacsiga ka baxsan dalka oo Oroma du suuq uhayd oo istaagay.
5. Baradhadii iyo wixii khudaar galbeedka ka imanayey oo go'ay.
6. Jaadkii oo aan istaagin oo kalin hor lihi inagu furantay oo weli dhibtiisa aynaan la qabsan.
Haddaba maxaynu ka baran karnaa xalada laga dhex abuuray kililka shanaad iyo Afraad.

Maxaa la gudboon dadka Somaliland Mustaqbalka. Arinkani samayn intee le'eg ayuu ku leeyahay dhulalka kale Somalida Ganacsi iyo siyaasad ahaan.


The Kalabaydh custom which $600,000 use to enter from daily has been closed. Nothing to tax. :manny:

3. Kastamkii kalabaydh oo 600,000,000 ka so soo bixi jirey oo ila 12/9/2017 an shilin ka soo bixin.


"I'd kill for a Noble Peace Prize"
What a sad state of affairs. The effect is a lot more serious than one would have expected.

It seems Ethiopia got us by the balls. How is it though that there is so much pro Xabashi behaviour among some camps? Both SL officials and the public show a tremendous amount of Xabashi jacayl.


What a sad state of affairs. The effect is a lot more serious than one would have expected.

It seems Ethiopia got us by the balls. How is it though that there is so much pro Xabashi behaviour among some camps? Both SL officials and the public show a tremendous amount of Xabashi jacayl.

It is sad state of affairs.
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