Crypto markets




Risk disclaimer: Trading assets such as cryptocurrencies is high risk, can result in substantial risk of some or all of your investment and may not be suitable for all people.


Which coins do you think will do 100x?

I think the 100x days are over due to the size of the market, the bigger it gets the less it will move insanely.

Too risky to say, but if you want to outperform BTC, you may want to look at first tier alts (you know them I think, not shit tier ones).


I think the 100x days are over due to the size of the market, the bigger it gets the less it will move insanely.

Too risky to say, but if you want to outperform BTC, you may want to look at first tier alts (you know them I think, not shit tier ones).

100x is possible with the small alts like Tron, Zilliqa, Vechain etc since their market cap is low. Cardano is also one to watch.


100x is possible with the small alts like Tron, Zilliqa, Vechain etc since their market cap is low. Cardano is also one to watch.

A really conservative strategy is:

- Wait for BTC to break ATH (confirmed bull market instead of fake out).
- Buy first tier alts on the confirmed break out.

You can still make 2x-4x on that strategy (from the noobs), but you will forgo gains due to reduced risk.


A really conservative strategy is:

- Wait for BTC to break ATH (confirmed bull market instead of fake out).
- Buy first tier alts on the confirmed break out.

You can still make 2x-4x on that strategy (from the noobs), but you will forgo gains due to reduced risk.

The problem with that strategy is by then the price of many alts already increased and you missed out on a potential 100x and would instead get 20x :lol: .


Death Awaits You
I invested all my savings in few alt coins. Some coins are here to stay and may potentially replace the physical currency. Those are the coins you want hold for decades.


We haven't seen anything yet. This is the newest asset class since bonds were created in the 1600s! Early adopters will be rewarded heavenly if they invest in the right coins and HODL for an extended period of time.

Basically buy low and sell high; however it's easier said then done. It takes someone with real balls and strong mental fortitude to not get emotional and lose everything because of their emotional weak hands. But then again, not everyone is meant to be rich.

Once the dust settles and the real money has been made I expect the crypto Marketcap to be in the trillions. Remember this post once I'm proven right.


It's all so tiresome
20k USD per BTC by year's end.

I think this has a lot to do with Facebook's fake crypto currency but even if that flops it would still be a boon for the top crypto currency projects.

No doubt a lot of developers will start taking this industry seriously now and it'll be easier to recruit quality people.


This will either be the biggest fake out in crypto history or the early stages of the run up to 50,000 - 100,000.

