Crooked/goofy teeth!!!


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Check this out as well. @riyaale

The product facilates mewing better and straightens teeth.

However it doesn't work miracles for people with very crowded teeth (It's ideal for those that already had braces or who have teeth that are at least 70% straight), and for those with really crowded teeth it might offer modest benefits especially if you can't afford the cost of retainers/braces (though there are plenty of low cost alternatives on the market). You can get it for 2-6 USD on WISH.

Check this out as well. @riyaale

The product facilates mewing better and straightens teeth.

However it doesn't work miracles for people with very crowded teeth (It's ideal for those that already had braces or who have teeth that are at least 70% straight), and for those with really crowded teeth it might offer modest benefits especially if you can't afford the cost of retainers/braces (though there are plenty of low cost alternatives on the market). You can get it for 2-6 USD on WISH.

This is fake


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
This is better

Waryaa, have you even listened to what I said? :farmajoyaab: Even with braces or Invisign you have to wear a retainers for life. The device I posted gets your arches to expand giving your tongue enough space and preventing regression back to their original position. You just don't believe it because it's low cost. Its great if you are on the cheap or as a pre-invislign or post-invislign treatment.

It was modeled off this product.

Waryaa, have you even listened to what I said? :farmajoyaab: Even with braces or Invisign you have to wear a retainers for life. The device I posted gets your arches to expand giving your tongue enough space and preventing regression back to their original position. You just don't believe it because it's low cost. Its great if you are on the cheap or as a pre-invislign or post-invislign treatment.

It was modeled off this product.

I'll put it on my bucket list for 2025


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
both suck go to Mexico and get this

I like my set. Lol. Not toilet white smiles.
