Could somalis have barely any ancient history?

In Somalis, the TMRCA was estimated to be 4000–5000 years for the haplogroup E3b1 cluster γ and 2100–2200 years for the haplogroup K2 assuming a generation time of 25 years



They didn’t bother to document anything, they heavily relied on oral tradition which gets lost over time.
They didn’t bother to document anything, they heavily relied on oral tradition which gets lost over time.
There's a lot of manuscripts & documents in banaadir that got lost, burned, and sold to collectors during the civil war. Amazing how much war can destroy culture
In Somalis, the TMRCA was estimated to be 4000–5000 years for the haplogroup E3b1 cluster γ and 2100–2200 years for the haplogroup K2 assuming a generation time of 25 years

Proto Somalis were scamming Romans and Greeks tricking them into thinking exported cinnamon from India grew in Somalia apparently. Some things never change :mjlol:
Nigga please 🤣 Somalia and Somaliweyn as a whole has barely been researched yet because of war. But as we’re coming out of war we’ll be seeing more documents and shit. Land of Punt, Zeila, Berbera, Sarapion, Adal, Ajuuran. I actually kinda find it surprising we haven’t checked our country yet but we already have proof of rich civilizations we even developed a lucrative extensive trade network connecting with merchants from Phoenicia, Ptolemic Egypt, Greece, Parthian Persia, Sheba, Nabataea and the Roman Empire.
Nigga please 🤣 Somalia and Somaliweyn as a whole has barely been researched yet because of war. But as we’re coming out of war we’ll be seeing more documents and shit. Land of Punt, Zeila, Berbera, Sarapion, Adal, Ajuuran. I actually kinda find it surprising we haven’t checked our country yet but we already have proof of rich civilizations we even developed a lucrative extensive trade network connecting with merchants from Phoenicia, Ptolemic Egypt, Greece, Parthian Persia, Sheba, Nabataea and the Roman Empire.
Im not against Somali History I agree with you but its saying we have an ancestry tthat links to the time the land of punt came about

