Confirmed, Fahad left Farmaajo and looks for a Female candidate kkkk

This is from Reerow Xassan Abdi Nur he said "Naag baan idiin keeneynaa jiiradaan oo Reeraha Xamar ka soo jeeda dhaaxaa minority na dhaheedeene markaan haween baa idin xukumi" 🀣🀣

He confirmed that Fahad has other new options and that why Cali Yare is left out too.

"Khilaafka wuxuu bilowduu dhahay kadib magacaabistii rooble ilaa hada Farmaajo iyo Mareexamka waxay eeda u saaraan shiikhaal oo keenay Rooble waa na necebyihiin farmaajana cuddaaas ay galiyeen"

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If Somalia had a female president our PR as a Muslim African nation would absolutely soar. History will be made
Yes history will be made for the wrong reasons, first third world unstable country to elect a female, our pr wouldn't soar our laughing stock reputation would soar.
If we elect a female president we will become a laughing stock in the Islamic world. Somalia can officially be recognized as a western puppet Nation if that ever occurs.

