Comrade Xi to boost China's defence spending for this year

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
if the West wants to go to war with China and win, I think they better do a new fake attack like they did on 9/11 and start a war with China immediately.

I get that China has disadvantages but they also seem to be becoming the leading economic and technological power. The further we go into the future, I think China will increasingly have a tech and economic advantage over the West- and war of the future will be so technology-based, I think this is a big danger for the West.

Another thing is China is a much more disciplined society. If they want to transform the society into being more militaristic and being like North Korea- they can do it. Whereas the West does not have that sort of discipline nor do people want to fight for the West. Meanwhile I think the Chinese are genuinely patriotic. I don't think they'd have the will to invade the West but I think many of them would die to reclaim Taiwan.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Honestly I think the West is going to lose against Russia and China. Look what happened to the USSR after they invaded Afghanistan. Soon after the USSR left, there was no USSR.

And then look how taking on Russia went for Hitler and Napoleon. I think the era of US hegemony is ending and we're moving towards a world led by Russia and China.
Honestly I think the West is going to lose against Russia and China. Look what happened to the USSR after they invaded Afghanistan. Soon after the USSR left, there was no USSR.

And then look how taking on Russia went for Hitler and Napoleon. I think the era of US hegemony is ending and we're moving towards a world led by Russia and China.
American they/them trans army vs Russia China super soldiers. America is finished
I think both China and Russia took notes from US illegal invasion of Iraq,Libya and Syria.

Saudi no longer playes the brokerage role of recuting and propagating mujahideen to fight for the capitalist of US.

Also the US has been on the decline for years with failing economy and wars after wars which has cost its economy while private individuals profited from the misery.

