compare these two masjids


in your feelings yet? yall too sensitive for me.
It’s a lot more expensive to build in galinsoor than it is in hargeisa because of the building materials that need to be imported. the same design of that mosque in hargeisa would probably cost around $1million in galinsor.


Adeer macaane ii waran
It’s a lot more expensive to build in galinsoor than it is in hargeisa because of the building materials that need to be imported. the same design of that mosque in hargeisa would probably cost around $1million in galinsor.

So you are telling me that importing the materials means 400 000$——> 1 million $

600 000$ extra. Walciyaadubillaah.
Hargeisa is a big city compared to Galinsoor which is a tuulo. Not only will it cost more to import materials but the labour will also cost more since they probably have to travel from different places
Hargeisa is a big city compared to Galinsoor which is a tuulo. Not only will it cost more to import materials but the labour will also cost more since they probably have to travel from different places

being a tuulo should make the labour cost cheaper, and galnisoor is on the highway road build by siyad barre, the materials should not cost so much to import from bosaaso or even berbera as there is a paved road.

plus galinsoor is not far from gaalkayco, so weak excuse

the only comparison one can make is that one masjid was built/owned by an Isaaq in Hargeisa and the other is an HG built/owned Masjid in Galinsoor, so the question remains is why does an stateless bpoon care about shisheeye built Masjids, why dont they built their own masjid in their Gaajo Gedo instead of salivating over other clans Masjids???


in your feelings yet? yall too sensitive for me.
So you are telling me that importing the materials means 400 000$——> 1 million $

600 000$ extra. Walciyaadubillaah.
Let’s say the building materials were imported from the mogadishu port (closest port) which is 600kms away from galinsoor by road.

The logistics needed to get the materials from the port to galinsoor, the construction and hiring none local company would cost a lot more money than they would in hargeisa which probably doesn’t have to do most of those things.

The difference in cost between the two have their obvious reasons. :icon lol:
stop this nonsense a mosque is mosque no matter how much it cost, it’s still a blessing for whoever builds a mosque. :ufdup:
This Masjid cost $1.3m, Masjid Saalixiya Burco









