Colorism and double standards.

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greyhound stone

The Boss💎
Me I think colorisim is some bullshit made by unattractive dark black women. I'm caramel skintone. I think people focus on skin too much. I've seen some gorgeous dark skintone black women. If a man doesn't find dark skin attractive he's free to do so but just don't bash ya people like many black men say or black women this or that. I agreee darksin is deemed too be inferior in the world due to European colonisation and media. Don't listen to angry black women who rant on the net and insult them. Somalis come in all skintones so your free to find any attractive we come in a high yellow to jet black. It's not colorisim if u find one to be more attractive than the other but the problem starts when u downlift one for another. Agree
There's a difference between bashing and preference. I agree with @Angelina that any form of bashing is bad, however bashing women with darker skin is selfhate of the highest order. To think that some Somali men bash their women for their darkskin when in fact they have a cousin or a sister with the same skintone is mindblowing.

Women that bash men for their height, but get angry when men have their preferences of dating non-fat women for example are hypocrites too. Their father, brother or cousins might all be short yet they bash men that are short. It's unacceptable as well to be honest.

All we should do is respectfully have our own preferences, and if you like Somali women with lightskin there's not wrong with that. Same way when Somali women prefer taller darkskin men for example.

Colourism is retarded but what did you expect from Somalis? Now I'm not hating on Somalis since I'm Somali myself but you have to admit 90% of us suffer from mental deficiencies.

So what's the point of complaining? You can't reverse mental deficiencies.:pachah1:


My husband loves light skin women mainly mixed girls tho but he married me a brown skin somali lmfao.. i dnt think men care that much about skin tone they just say they want a certain skin tone but then get with whoever they find attractive.. my husband found me attractive n im brown
My husband loves light skin women mainly mixed girls tho but he married me a brown skin somali lmfao.. i dnt think men care that much about skin tone they just say they want a certain skin tone but then get with whoever they find attractive.. my husband found me attractive n im brown
So you have a husband? I'm rather surprised by that but good on you! I also think that most people really don't care about skin colour when the person is actually visually attractive.

People often talk about having clear preferences but life isn't always that simple. Sometimes in order to get the most out of things you have to be willing to go out of your comfort zone.
If you're bashing darker skinned women, you're a colorist. What makes colorism crazy is that you have a whole continent of women deemed unattractive compared to others because of their darker skin.

Dark skin is a marker of African ancestry for the most. Yes, I know you have dark Indians and Sri-Lankans ect, but darkness is associated with SSA, that is why they are referred to as 'black'.

Is height associated with any group? Btw, I don't think bashing short men is acceptable. How about we stop bashing people that don't fit our standards?

I don't care what anyone says. If you're SSA and you have issues with darker skin, you're a self hater. People call us 'black' because of our dark skin. As Somalis our features are pretty slender and Caucasian like. What makes others say we are 'black' is our skin. So ask yourself, what makes you dislike a skin that is common amongst your people?

I don't have problem with dark skin as long as they are not nilotic/bantu or have a hint of Nilotic/Bantu. that is not muh SeLf-HaTe, that is self preservation.

Also yes height is sometimes determine by race some pygmies and southeast Asian jungle tribes are naturally shorter not because of diet or life-style.


So you have a husband? I'm rather surprised by that but good on you! I also think that most people really don't care about skin colour when the person is actually visually attractive.

People often talk about having clear preferences but life isn't always that simple. Sometimes in order to get the most out of things you have to be willing to go out of your comfort zone.
Why would u be surprised by that
Finding a naturally fair skinned Xalimo is a rare occurrence. Most of them (unfortunately) bleach their skin out of insecurity and pressure to fit in.

Most Xalimos are dark-skinned, as well as most Faraxs anyways. Let's try to appreciate our dark-skin Xalimos who form a clear majority of our women. And you're hearing this from a person who has light-skinned parents and siblings.

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