Cold Showers.

How do Mofos take Cold showers? :wtf:

I was taking a shower last night, and the water just went cold. And I am talking COLD. The water fountain water that gives you brainfreezes cold. Walaahi oo Bilaahi that was possibly the worst feeling I had in my entire life. :mjcry:

I started screaming like a possessed jinni walaahi. I was squirming like a shayaadiin being brought out of my body. :ileycry: My hooyo came upstairs and said 'Allah, wiilkeygii jiinyaasha uu ku qabsatay". :jcoleno:

The worst part is when I came out, my body kept shivering like a hair viberator. :snoop:

Come to figure out, niggas take cold showers regularly. :wtf:

How the Fock can you take a cold shower? :ileycry:
Only use freezing cold water for 2-3mins at the end. After the initial shock , you will be fine and its strangely nice. That shit wakes me tf .
Nothing like cold shower once awhile . I like taking my cold showers after playing full court Bball , I feel super energized even after a full game .
Why would you take a cold shower at night?loool :ayaanswag:
Try WIM HOF breathing exercises, it made taking cold showers x10 easier for me.


SSpots starting point guard
Why would you take a cold shower at night?loool :ayaanswag:
Try WIM HOF breathing exercises, it made taking cold showers x10 easier for me.
I watched a documentary on that freak, not only can the guy withstand freezing cold temperatures but this guy ran a marathon in the middle of a desert I think he lost like 16 pounds in that one run.


The one and only 4head
Cold showers are shit tbh.

I took cold showers from April 2020 to Sept 2020.

At some point, it's just normal. Nothing as crazy as some speculate on Nofap forums.
I watched a documentary on that freak, not only can the guy withstand freezing cold temperatures but this guy ran a marathon in the middle of a desert I think he lost like 16 pounds in that one run.
It actually works wallahi, he's the only hippy guru I'd legit take advice from lol
I like cold showers in the morning it shocks the body in good way. Like I'm still half sleepy getting into the cold shower and I suddenly grasp for air like legit feels like drowning and after 3 minutes body adopts.

You get out of the shower feeling proud, energized and fully sober.


Puntland Youth Organiser
FKD Visionary
Imagine calling yourself a man and not taking cold showers

How do Mofos take Cold showers? :wtf:

I was taking a shower last night, and the water just went cold. And I am talking COLD. The water fountain water that gives you brainfreezes cold. Walaahi oo Bilaahi that was possibly the worst feeling I had in my entire life. :mjcry:

I started screaming like a possessed jinni walaahi. I was squirming like a shayaadiin being brought out of my body. :ileycry: My hooyo came upstairs and said 'Allah, wiilkeygii jiinyaasha uu ku qabsatay". :jcoleno:

The worst part is when I came out, my body kept shivering like a hair viberator. :snoop:

Come to figure out, niggas take cold showers regularly. :wtf:

How the Fock can you take a cold shower? :ileycry:

Been taking cold showers for years.

First couple seconds it feels like nafta on ka bahaysa but then after that you feel an adrenaline rush.

BTW don't just stand there but move around in the cold water. You will start feeling warm from the inside.

Scandi countries make you swim in cold pools so that you are prepared when you fall into a cold river, sea etc
A warm shower is a luxury for most people on this planet. Hot showers lower your sperm count and reduce your chances for having a son.
Really? I need sources for the part about sperm.

There's a reason why your balls are outside of your body. The effects of hot showers are short term but why take a chance.

