Col. Barre Hiiraale oo dadka Soomaliyeed ugu baaqay inay Kenya iska dhiciyaan


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Muqdisho-(Caasimada Online)-Col Barre Aadan Shire (Barre Hiiraale) ayaa qoraal uu ku daabacay bartiisa Facebook-ga waxa uu si kooban kaga hadlay arimaha Soomaaliya, maamulka Jubbaland iyo Kenya.

Dadka Soomaaliyeed ayuu sheegay inuu in badan ku la taliyay in Kenya ay iska dhiciyaan, isagoo ku eedeynaya inay kasoo horjeedo jiritaanka ummadda Soomaaliyeed.

Korneyl Barre Hiiraale ayaa yiri, “Dadka iyo dalka Somaaliyeed waxan in badan ku celceliyay in Kenya dalkaan si cad ugu soo duushey, tahayna mid dooneysa inay meesha ka saarto jiritaanka ummada Soomaaliyeed guud ahaan, dhicina meyso taas.”

Barre Hiiraale ayaa qoraalkiisa kusoo gabagabeeyay “Madax Banaanida Qaranka Soomaaliyed waa lama taabtaan”.

Barre Aadan Shire Barre Hiiraale ayaa ka mid ah, siyaasiyiinta sida weyn uga soo hor jeeda siyaasadda Madaxweynaha Jubbaland Axmed Madoobe.

Sanadkii 2014-kii ayaa magaalada Kismaayo waxa uu dagaal galaaftay nolosha boqolaal ruux ku dhex maray Korneyl Barre Hiiraale iyo Madaxweyne Axmed Madoobe, waxaana dagaalkaas Kismaayo looga saaray Barre Hiiraale iyo ciidamadiisii.

Waakan postiga Barre Hiiraale:-

With all due respect this jubaland project has gone up in flames and it is not wise for your people to unite behind this former warlord


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
With all due respect this jubaland project has gone up in flames and it is not wise for your people to unite behind this former warlord
I dont think Barre desires leadership, hes an elder statesman and his voice is very important for people to hear.
Let the old man rest sxb he's done his part for beesha. Unfortunately no young bo0n could step up to take over the leadership.

Sad state of affairs. OG has young blood leading meanwhile bo0nta is still relying on a 90 year old vet :francis:

