Clusters in Europe (detailed)

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Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
The more interesting thing would be how the Somali ethnic regions would subdivide. It is unknown.

This is what would be interesting to study. I would look at the Eurasian component and if it has a cline from north to south. My hypothesis is that it declines the further south you go, while the Somali component increased. There are of course exceptions like the Banadiris, Bantu, and the omotic Jiddu; but it should hold true for the most part.

Somalis look homogenous because we are in a diverse neighborhood. We are a very diverse ethnic group if you use the same parameters used by the study above.
This is what would be interesting to study. I would look at the Eurasian component and if it has a cline from north to south. My hypothesis is that it declines the further south you go, while the Somali component increased. There are of course exceptions like the Banadiris, Bantu, and the omotic Jiddu; but it should hold true for the most part.

Somalis look homogenous because we are in a diverse neighborhood. We are a very diverse ethnic group if you use the same parameters used by the study above.

That would make no sense. An Abgaal or MJ isn't gonna have less Eurasian ancestry than a HA, for instance, because our ethnic ancestry was already cemented millennia ago. The southern clans, apart from Rahanweyn, have only recently moved to Southern Somalia from the North. So any variation in ancestral make-up would have been from millennia ago, not recently.

The only recent changes have been a few southern clans intermingling with bantus, cadcads, and Arabs/south Asians.

For instance, I believe there are entire subclans of Warsangeli that have absorbed southern semites like Mahrans, Socotra and Arab Saalax. E.g. An Ogeyslabe auntie of mine looks as dark and has hair as smooth as a tamil.


There are hidden dimensions in the Somali population, even without any foreign admixture. The ones we see on 23andMe and PCA analyses etc still do not show the hidden dimensions that are lacking due to low sampling of Somalis.


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
There has been no southward migration of Somalis, except in the past 160 years. The Hawiye, Rahanweyn and various Samaale have always lived where they live. In fact, Somalis populated the horn by a northward migration out of Southern Ethiopia.

The differences I am talking about would not be recent, but fairly old. It was probably there from the beginning. It will probably be slight, no more than 3-4%, not detectable phenotypically, but obvious from genetic analysis. It is a guess.
There has been no southward migration of Somalis, except in the past 160 years. The Hawiye, Rahanweyn and various Samaale have always lived where they live. In fact, Somalis populated the horn by a northward migration out of Southern Ethiopia.

The differences I am talking about would not be recent, but fairly old. It was probably there from the beginning. It will probably be slight, no more than 3-4%, not detectable phenotypically, but obvious from genetic analysis. It is a guess.
Would that mean the darod tribe has the most foreign admixture as the live the most south bordering bantus and Oromos to the west. Do you see the type of shit your peddling ?

Stop using faux sciencefiction to make certain clans less "Somali"
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Would that mean the darod tribe has the most foreign admixture as the live the most south vordering bantus and Oromos to the west. Do you see the type of shit your peddling ?

Stop using faux sciencefiction to make certain clans less "Somali"

Somalis + Scientific Qabiilism =


We have opened a Pandora's box :siilaanyolaugh:


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
Would that mean the darod tribe has the most foreign admixture as the live the most south bordering bantus and Oromos to the west. Do you see the type of shit your peddling ?

Stop using faux sciencefiction to make certain clans less "Somali"

I literally said that the Somali component probably increases the further south you go!

Btw, I am basing this on the fact that the same pattern shows up among the Oromo. It is difficult to believe that there is no gradiation in Somalis even when seperated by a thousand kilometers. It would be shocking if a thousand kilometers of latitudinal distance did not produce a genetic clination of some kind, I am just guessing as to what it would be.
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