Clashes in Mogadishu between pro-opposition SNA and Farmaajo's Duufaan Forces


Peace is our most precious commodity, I urge everyone no matter where u stand to step back and reflect on ur position. Please picture the average person back home and how they just want to live a normal life like we do in the west. This is not a game my brothers and sisters, this is real life. Let us keep praying for dialogue and peace between both sides, as we are all the same people, never give up on that. It's the only way forward :)
Mogadishu is calm now after intense fighting last night, but key roads are closed. No agreement b/w the rival parties.
6:43 AM local time and security sources have informed Halgan Media that there is absolutely NO talks underway between the Government and opposition to quell the fighting in Mogadishu. The speech by PM Roble was a delay tactic. Fighting is expected to resume later today


Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
So what did Farmajo take over from?
Your question doesn’t make sense ! Somalia has made leaps and bounds under Farmaajo. He rebuilt the national army , secured more territories than any other President , suicide bombing and Al shabab attack are at all time low , IMF forgave our debt , wrestled the sea back from Kenya , put all regional states in their places no more is barbar yaac. He has done a lot .
Troops loyal to the Dayniile district commissioner have begun setting up defensive positions at the Sayidka Junction, which is just walking distance from the presidential palace. Bulldozers have also been called in to make way for trenches.

The renegade district commissioner of Dayniile has come out the under dawg. His troops have seized a number of government buildings in the city plus the strategic Maka Al Mukarama road and now there setting up defensive positions on the cusp of Villa Somalia at Sayidka Junction



Everything back to normal is it? Makka al mukarramah is empty. Sayidka and dabka junction still under opposition.
The opposition have locked major roads, They mashed up the place

They entrenched there overnight in residential areas right beside family homes while no one was there and also cut water and electricity to those houses. They proclaim it proudly in those videos, poor fasting people were without water and electricity and cant work because of them. During Ramadan, utter trash.

They wont be there for long

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