Chinese Man Speaks the Truth on African Development

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Nin xun

ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
This is some retarded shit, the europeans didn't got to Africa to uplift them which is the implication in that video. Most of these countries were made with arbitrarily drawn lines splitting tribes and ethnic groups, uplifting a minority to elite status in one country while oppressing the majority to create a dependency on the colonial power by the ruling minority elite.

That's not even talking about the fact that these countries were extraction economies with no strong democratic institutions in place and whose infastructure were mainly built with the express purpose of shipping of cheap resources and weren't nations that grew naturally on their own with their borders and where their economies were made with express purpose of satisfying the needs of their country and the first world's need for cheap resources. If you want some real analysis of the issues plaguing these countries after colonialism go read Fanon's The Wretched of the Earth rather than watching a 2 minute video by an ignorant gook f*ck.
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I feel sorrow for the people in DRC. The first elected black president Patrice Lumumba was an educated man who cared for his country. He was assassinated by the Belgium and CIA ,and was replaced with a brutal dictator who will allow the West to loot the country for decades and who did not care for the people. No wonder the people are suffering. Here is a video about the assassination of Lumumba and the people who were involved in it. Some of them are very disgusting .
They way some of them describing the murder of him is very disgusting.l am not surprised about the conditions of the people in that country.
Here's the full documentary.

Most africans were indeed better under Colonial rule.

I feel sorry for Eddy, he is multilingual (Swahili, French, Mandarin, English and Lingala), I myself am fluent in 5 and my Mandarin speaking is pretty good, traditional characters can be quite tricky since I'm better with Simplified.
Here's the full documentary.

Most africans were indeed better under Colonial rule.

I feel sorry for Eddy, he is multilingual (Swahili, French, Mandarin, English and Lingala), I myself am fluent in 5 and my Mandarin speaking is pretty good, traditional characters can be quite tricky since I'm better with Simplified.

I'm learning mandarin right now. It's such an important language
This is some retarded shit, the europeans didn't got to Africa to uplift them which is the implication in that video. Most of these countries were made with arbitrarily drawn lines splitting tribes and ethnic groups, uplifting a minority to elite status in one country while oppressing the majority to create a dependency on the colonial power by the ruling minority elite.

That's not even talking about the fact that these countries were extraction economies with no strong democratic institutions in place and whose infastructure were mainly built with the express purpose of shipping of cheap resources and weren't nations that grew naturally on their own with their borders and where their economies were made with express purpose of satisfying the needs of their country and the first world's need for cheap resources. If you want some real analysis of the issues plaguing these countries after colonialism go read Fanon's The Wretched of the Earth rather than watching a 2 minute video by an ignorant gook f*ck.

It isn't that he's ignorant it's that he's speaking the truth. When I speak to Chinese entrepreneurs who frequent Africa, only a few were honest with me.

They tell it's sad how African leaders don't care for education. One guy had a business destroyed and he was a supplier of medical equipment. When you call them Gooks just remember we traded with ancient Chinese merchants in the Somali peninsula and they never brought an Agenda to the region. I'm referring to the Mongol era in China with Zheng He.

As long as education is on the back burner in Africa; the people will never grow. It's the same thing happening in Somalia. There's a whole generation oblivious to education and it's sad that it's desolving any development in the horn.

Nin xun

ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
It isn't that he's ignorant it's that he's speaking the truth. When I speak to Chinese entrepreneurs who frequent Africa, only a few were honest with me.

They tell it's sad how African leaders don't care for education. One guy had a business destroyed and he was a supplier of medical equipment. When you call them Gooks just remember we traded with ancient Chinese merchants in the Somali peninsula and they never brought an Agenda to the region. I'm referring to the Mongol era in China with Zheng He.

As long as education is on the back burner in Africa; the people will never grow. It's the same thing happening in Somalia. There's a whole generation oblivious to education and it's sad that it's desolving any development in the horn.
Everyone has an agenda not understanding is a great way to have others take advantage of you.

Although education is very important, Africa has a multitude of issues stemming from the fact that most of them were artificial nations created for the express purpose of resource extraction and reducing it to simply being a case of smart africans letting dumb africans rule or not enough education is very ignorant, the gook comment I agree could've been left out.
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Indeed, Somalis should have the option to learn Mandarin in the future in sha allah, along with German (2nd most spoken language in the scientific world), Russian, Malay, Portuguese, Japanese, French, Hindi and Spanish.

Arabic, Somali and english must be taught to students during the school years.

Why should Arabic be on the same level as Somali and English in Somalia?
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