OPINION China can save us

We can take a bunch of loans and tell them to rebuild Mogadishu, Kismayo, Baidoa, and Bosaso which would cost billions but it's worth it. It would eradicate unemployment since we only have 15 million people and it would also increase the gdp. The debt trap ain't that bad because it worked for Ethiopia, Tanzania, and even Kenya. There all better than us at this point.


You need people like me
Lmao dancing with the devil is not going to save Somalia. Go and research all the countries that have been crippled by Chinese debt. Those countries are not better than Somalia because they took on Chinese debt, but rather, they didn’t doss around for 31 years.
If we take a bunch of loans that mean native Somalis have to be super productive in order to pay back those loans and interest with future tax revenue it's a bad idea. It would only be a good idea if we had extremely industrious and productive people.

You think these odays will work 60 hours a week!

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China will never hand a loan to a failed nation that doesn't even control it's territory and has weak governance.


📍outer space
that's a really bad idea. Hopefully those corrupt leaders prancing around don't take loans from China. It won't work in the long term


Alx go f*ck up another poor African country. CCP bot

I am not the spreading my ass check inviting them.They already steal millions from Somalia through the pathetic fishing licence handed down by weak & corrupt government...

