China Begins Encirclement Drills On Taiwan


If Taiwan is smart, China is calculating and measuring it's posture if the time arises to bring Taiwan back to the mainland. Once calculated and measured, no-one can escape the maths, I hope china presents the 'strategy' to them as a good gesture to show them, their no 'escape' or chance of victory, it's better to surrender when you can't work out a strategy to counter it, it's just pointless loss of life to fight and act brave. I wish all nations did that before wars as gentlemen agreements.

It's best Taiwan seek high autonomous state deal with China rather then an irrational secession. Any secession has to be done by two states not 1 state, lol this would create global chaos if 1 side can determine it's own secession, it would bring the rule of law in the world for every country into disrepute. The west are totally wrong to support taiwan even if they see as strategic to have it as access to china thru the taiwan front. It's un-wise cause it will lead to all nations and any disgruntled people to decide it's own state and not follow well known due process.
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@DR OSMAN majority of Taiwanese actual prefer the status quo, many of the policies the current leading party has implemented are actually extremely unpopular - the former party KMT (which founded Taiwan) has had many of it's members make several trips to mainland China to negotiate a way to reunify. I think Taiwanese would reunify if they are under pressure

Taiwan also depends heavily on trade deals with the mainland. The KMT recently won in a landslide when it came to local elections. This was due to the Nancy Pelosi visit and the DPP moving Taiwanese semi-conductor factories to America.



The west should learn from the past. We remember Genghis Khan, Vietnam and we remember Japan and their just a 'small dose' of China which is all that and much on steroids, It could lead to global collapse.
@DR OSMAN the entire reason why Taiwan still exists is due to their semiconductor monopoly, the US is doing everything it can so China can't get it's hands on it. The Taiwanese people in general indifferent and want to live in peace according to all polls that have been done. They aren't dumb, they know the end goal is unification but if it were to happen I am guessing they would want to it to be done peacefully.

Remember how everyone was scared that Hong Kong was going to become worse after China unified with it? Well HK's entire economy, infrastructure, healthcare and HDI improved. They gained a new market and many "Hong Kongers" started to actively shift their views and became Pro-CCP or Pro-China. If people see results they will change their worldview quickly

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@anon2 Im impressed with china growth model from 79 to now is 50 years and they created an economy that going to supercede america who took 400 years. Their is lessons to be learned from different economic models and government system when as u said 'results' are clearly there, to deny it, is to fall to your own tunnel vision or bubble.

I know it had a-lot to do with liberalising their market from a complete national owned economy. How did they do it? or is it still a mix of national/private ratio?


@anon2 chinese are good business people, they simply have a 'gift' for it, if it's taught or genetics or historical or a mix of that I don't know nor can I pinpoint it. They seem to also keep their foreign policy outside it's 'theater' to purely mutual benefit trade, even in history. The great wall of china tells me a people who want to be 'left' alone mind-set and their not seeking 'colonial' power or 'expansion'. Maybe this mindset has become the cultural norm. Never heard of china creating colonies in any history book or violence.
@DR OSMAN China uses the "mixed" model of socialism and state sponsered capitalism. You are allowed to start a business and they will support you, even give you land. This was similar to the Siyaad model, it's a way to rapidly develop a nation but you need to educate the masses and have them see themselves as ONE nation instead of individual. One nation trying to achieve a common goal. This is why even billionaires cannot escape the law, a couple billionaires were executed for corruption, only a working system allows this to happen.

Just look at what they have been able to achieve, they have created cities, ports, and airports out of thin air without the need of loans or help from Europeans, they didn't beg for anything. The infrastructure and HDI in 400+ cities in China has surpassed or is equal to that of most European capitals. They have built enough highspeed rails to circle the globe in less than a decade. They have 25x their GDP in less than 3 generations. It's a feat that only an effective system can create.

@DR OSMAN once Taiwan falls I think the West will be in big trouble, it's the final step in the China masterplan, they want a monopoly on chips technology. This will effectively make sanctions on China useless since they will have a large chunk of technology the rest of the world needs.

The west is just barely waking up hence they are heavily promoting "Taiwan independence" but refuse to call Taiwan an independent country. This happened back in 2019 with the CIA funded Hong Kong protests


Sound mind sound body
Taiwan is only cocky because of American support. Once west gets bored of using them China will slowly absorb Taiwan. China is patient not like america who goes guns blazing and asks questions after dust settles.

