Canada moving quickly to legalize marijuana

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Queen Carawelo

I don't care menace because I don't smoke weed.

Weed should be illegal.


Scheming from Salaxley
I support the legalization of weed. This means my taxpaying dollars won't go towards chasing around dealers and users, and won't go towards housing these niggas in prison. This also means the government will be able to get a decent amount of revenue off it.

The only people who will lose are drug dealers as dispensaries will drive them out of business, meaning a drop in crime :)


The only people who will lose are drug dealers as dispensaries will drive them out of business, meaning a drop in crime :)

Ehh, not a assumption we can make right of the bat. That's only true if the government set it at the right regulatoryt price. Prices that are too high will just allow the blackmarket to still flourish. Things like taxes usually hike up prices. I mean it's still a business and competition is still present. If the consumer can still continue to buy from his dealer at a cheaper rate and not get into legal trouble, what incentive is there to go to a dispensary or a marijuana shop. This is where the laws of free market are going to come in. If marijuana shops have any hopes of competing with black market dealers but have high prices, they sure as hell better have some crazy loud and creative shit that dealers can't make (cookies, candy, drinks). The Trudeau administration is probably going to look at already established legal marijuana markets and how their struggling to eliminate the black market.


Scheming from Salaxley
Ehh, not a assumption we can make right of the bat. That's only true if the government set it at the right regulatoryt price. Prices that are too high will just allow the blackmarket to still flourish. Things like taxes usually hike up prices. I mean it's still a business and competition is still present. If the consumer can still continue to buy from his dealer at a cheaper rate and not get into legal trouble, what incentive is there to go to a dispensary or a marijuana shop. This is where the laws of free market are going to come in. If marijuana shops have any hopes of competing with black market dealers but have high prices, they sure as hell better have some crazy loud and creative shit that dealers can't make (cookies, candy, drinks). The Trudeau administration is probably going to look at already established legal marijuana markets and how their struggling to eliminate the black market.
Good point bro, higher prices will definitely keep the black market alive. However the black market will still suffer from legalization as many users will opt to dispensaries as a safer and more reliable means of obtaining weed. Read an article similar to the one you posted, it will be interesting to see what Trudeau's government does to combat the black market following legalization
Trudeau admitted to smoking weed last year while in office. He admitted to puff puff pass. His liberal MP friends are CEOs of marijuana companies. He plans on making his Liberal friends rich.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
I'm not bothered by the legalization of marijuana because I don't indulge in drug use. It's a non-issue to me.


HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
Guess I wont have to move to BC anymore. :sureman:

Edibles are on me if you can cross the border into Canada @Games.

@menace have you seen this?

It's going to take them quite a while. I'll be guessing they'll first have to go through the numerous steps of decriminalization of marijuana, before the total legalization could ever be thought of. This could probably take years to come in effect.


Canada has been moving 'quickly' to legalize marijuana for about 15 years. :zhqjlmx: Don't hold your breath.

Lol no they haven't..? For harpers entire almost 10 year reign as PM he's been very anti-marijuana. Which makes sense considering his voter base consists of old as f*ck cadaan people who strongly oppose the legalization of marijuana. Just a couple weeks ago he said marijuana is infinitely worse than tobacco ( , despite a majority of the Canadian public in support of legalization. And you thought this nigga was trying to legalize lol


Having a majority government will allow Trudeau and his office to pass anything they want. Nothing is going to stop him from legalizing marijuana at a federal level but himself. This isn't like America where the Executive branch/President's office have to go through Congress to pass bills. Canadian Prime Ministers have absolute power if they have a majority government, I made a more detailed post about it if you're more interested in how powerful they really are .


I'm not talking about the PM; the Canadian legal system isn't made up of just the PM. :uCkf6mf:

Tbh it basically is. The PM has so much power, especially with a majority government. He can basically pass almost any law he wants. He appoints so many people in many different levels of the government. It's quite ridiculous. Read the thread I linked in my previous comment.
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