Can the damage done by Social Media ever be undone?

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LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Meet Ashley Cain, a shite former footballer and a "Reality TV star". He daughter passed away recent and like the social media dhılo he is, he posted a pic of himself holding his infant daughter's corpse.

How fucking insane do you have to be to defile a loved one's body like that? For what, a few empty words and a little validation? What a vile, Godless fåggot. I hope that dopamine hit was worth it.
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Get off these demonic platforms whilst you still have a shred of your sanity left, you're literally doing harm to your psyche/mental well-being. Social Media is the tobacco of the 21st century.

@Nak-Muay-Kru i laughed until i could not laugh anymore. LOL U r such a gem walaahi. Unfortunately a protegee of Basra. I am ashamed to admit it & to have influenced YOU. Tragedy. :(

Mr Sufi

Meet Ashley Cain, a shite former footballer and a "Reality TV star". He daughter passed away recent and like the social media dhılo he is, he posted a pic of himself holding his infant daughter's corpse.

How fucking insane do you have to be to defile a loved one's body like that? For what, a few empty words and a little validation? What a vile, Godless fåggot. I hope that dopamine hit was worth it.
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Get off these demonic platforms whilst you still have a shred of your sanity left, you're literally doing harm to your psyche/mental well-being. Social Media is the tobacco of the 21st century.
At least with tobacco you look cool

But with social media they all look like fools
I've buried relatives before, the thought of airing that shit out to strangers on social media is inconceivable wallahi. It's so fucking low sxb, you're meant to be surrounded by your real friends, your brothers, in your time of need not random cunts you partied with/had uni labs with/occasionally chilled with looool

What's wrong with broadcasting a loved one's death? I don't know about you, but most people on my social media are people that I know. Why would you be secretive about something like that?

Before covid it made sense because you would want a lot of people to come to your loved one's janaza and make dua. The more people, the more ajar. It is in fact part of our deen for the whole community to come out for the janaza and make dua ect.

But that guy posing with his dead daughter? I'm speechless.
What's wrong with broadcasting a loved one's death? I don't know about you, but most people on my social media are people that I know. Why would you be secretive about something like that?

Before covid it made sense because you would want a lot of people to come to your loved one's janaza and make dua. The more people, the more ajar. It is in fact part of our deen for the whole community to come out for the janaza and make dua ect.

But that guy posing with his dead daughter? I'm speechless.
I'm a very private person and I'm also very selective with who I let into my life so the idea of posting something so private is mortifying to me. I'll directly react out to my friends instead of posting shit on socials, because I know their condolences are sincere. When they say "if you need anything, I'm here", I know they genuinely mean it.

I'd rather post a video of me blowing some girl's back out and risk fucking up my life instead of using my own child's body as some sort of a prop to garner sympathy. Inalilah, Kafirs are fucking vile wallahi.
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