Can anybody please update Me with the current situation in Mogadishu? (ELECTIONS 2021)

MrCheese made the fatal mistake of awakening the sleeping of Haawiyism. Not fully awake but awake enough to oust MrCheese. MrCheese was supposed to ensure full backing from Rooble just as HSM/Shariif supporters were fomented Haawiyeism. His focus on IC and PL/JL disputes distracted him and he thought he could get away with bahDil against elites HSM/Shariif protesting his rule.

That is why I advised from the beginning that both JL/PL and MrCheese should compete to get Muqdisho/GM/HS community on their side. The elections selections are being led by FGS PM Rooble.

MrCheese can still win but that looks less likely

