Can A Puntland United As Per 1998 Constitution Be Achieved?


I already declared my political Bias that I am still Staunch supporter of a Puntland united as the original founding Isimo intended. I believe they were wise men ahead of their time and peers and left Puntland and Somalia in a better place then where it was under the 91 era, so I also respect their vision of a Puntland united at the Harti-Tanade level, I fear going against their 'founding vision' will result in future regrets like how we mourn the sacking and exile of boqor osman and sultan warsangeli who were staunch anti pan-somalism, we regret only today why people in their time didn't see they were right and ahead of their time and peers on being anti pan somali, that's how I feel about respecting the Harti-Tanade Vision of the Puntland Isimo of 98 or we may in the future regret why during our time-peers didn't uphold their vision due to an unforeseeable future disaster that may arise like it did with pan somalism.

So let's discuss how we can achieve a Puntland la wada lee yahay, where everyone feels they share and own the name 'Puntland' and it's not owned only be a certain clan.

The other reason why Im pro Puntland political diversity is like why an intelligent investor is pro investment diversity. An intelligent investor diversifies his wealth into real estate-shares-metals-antiques-arts-stocks-govt bonds, they don't centralize their investment in 1 portfolio and allow it to grow safely thru gradual growth, they don't plant one tree but multiple trees.

The other reason im pro political diversity in Puntland is the historical legacy of Ajuuran who behaved no different to the current Puntland and centralizing power and today their extinct, if we repeat their legacy, surely you can see the extinction outcome for our people is on the horizon. The final nail in the coffin for me about centralizing power to a clan is going against Puntland federalism spirit, we saw the khasaaro from 1930 till 1991 were we centralized everything in Mogadishu.

So let's discuss models and if it's possible to achieve a Puntland la wada lee yahay as envisioned by the founding Isim of Harti and Tanade, let's not be brave and decide going against their vision, ileen waxay ujeedan wax aadan adigu arkaynaynin in 1998, just like boqor osman/sultan warsangeli waxay arkayeen khatarta pan somalism which no-one in their time period saw.


The other reason why Im Pro Harti-Tanade Puntland stakeholders being united is our enemy will have a field day like they have been on us since post 91 doing isku dir on us and then 'building' up politically frustrated clans inside Puntland only to use them to 'spite' us and harm Puntland, we been chasing our tail like this since 91 runti with disgruntled puntland clans allying with cadow shisheeye clans only to return and smite puntland with it, similar to how the cadow use marehan frustration with darod politics.


So I gave u guys plenty of reasons why im Pro Puntland unity whether it's the founding isimo aragti of the day who left us in a better place then we were pre-1998, countering our enemies who love to use disgruntled darod clans which they have since 91 unless your blind. It supports federalism and the diversity principle of not politically centralizing power so we don't become like ajuuran nor suffer the losses from 1930-1991 centralization into Mogadishu.


So there are my long amount reason for being pro puntland as envisioned by the Harti-Tanade Isimo, don't ask me why I am anymore, I gave u plenty of reasons for it's wisdom. Now let's discuss how to power-share and what model to use, this must include the federal govt harti portion and PL regional portion model. For example if an MJ is president in the region, they cannot be president or pm in Hamar and it will go to Dhulbahante, while the second highest position is allocated to Warsangeli in PL and Parliament to Tanade.

As Habar Majerten we must be careful we don't take to much federal/regional power as mj/warsan are 1 clan and allow a space 4 dhulbahante to reach pm-president either regionally or federally depending on what happens in federal and regional election results.


What’s your ideal power sharing formula for puntland ?

PL President
SFG President or PM
PL Parliament

Those 4 functions are the main talking points and how it will work, I don't have all the answer, but im sure they can bring together their elites to discuss a puntland la wada lee yahay as envisioned by the wise founding isimo of 98 who left us in better place then pre-98. Im staunch conservative to protect and not change PL original founding principles, im not liberal on such thing, I am only liberal mainly in economic development where wealth must never be contained but spread out, I die by that principle, as the strength of ur market is determined by the strength of average citizen.


@Chaseyourdreamzz if u be hasid to ur own brother, ur cadow will see him disgruntled and use him against you as we seen since 91 what the cadow game plan has been. It's not even a wise security policy, it's wrong on so many themes whether historical ajuuraan who did such thing, its against diversification principle in business n politics. Wax fa'ido aan ka arki ma jiro not even short-term benefits


Makhir Summit shows their united and always were locally. Khatumo/SSC is united locally/globally. Tanade is united always. Majerten are united. Let's sit down and discuss a Puntland la wada lee yahay in la dhiso, let's discuss also do we want to go against the wise harti-tanade isimo vision of 98, when we know they left us in better place then where we were in 1991-1998.

Also let's add into the discussion the dangers of centralizing political power like ajuuran iyo wixi ka racday manta. Let's discuss the pro's of federalism and diversification remembering the losses from 1930-1991 in our centralized pan somali madness in mogadishu.

Let's discuss how business ppl diversify their wealth portfolio and not centralize it and why? small trees growing slowly is better then 1 big tree which will die. Lets discuss the security implications and how our enemies will always use disgruntled clans in PL only to 'build' them up like sade or ali khalif galayr to harm puntland. Ha lagu daro these talking points before any clan rushes to a decision by being degdeg/fudeed without knowing all the facts.


Let him cook
Puntland was SSDF, SNDU, and USP

can’t forget awrtable
I think for now SSC is going to be doing their own thing, but if PL can have a strong local governence in each region without everything being tied to Garowe then one state is possible.