Buuhoodle Erupts ! Widespread Protests Against the bogus Khaatumo/Somaliland agreement

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Puntland Youth Organiser
FKD Visionary
Well done Shacaabka Buuhoodle for demonstrating against Cali Khalif and his bs deal with SL

That Blue flag will remain standing in Buuhoodle now and forever :ahh:

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Protesting is not enough they need to wipe the dust of their kalashnikovs when muuse bixi is elected


Puntland Youth Organiser
FKD Visionary
Protesting is not enough they need to wipe the dust of their kalashnikovs when muuse bixi is elected
I wouldn't worry, Buuhoodle is armed to the teeth, reer hagar militia have the town on lock. Siilanyo brought the entire SL army against them in 2012 and they still won. These people don't mess around


Well done Shacaabka Buuhoodle for demonstrating against Cali Khalif and his bs deal with SL

That Blue flag will remain standing in Buuhoodle now and forever :ahh:

I support khatumo self determination but its a shame the FGS doesn`t take them seriously


Puntland Youth Organiser
FKD Visionary
I support khatumo self determination but its a shame the FGS doesn`t take them seriously
Its because both SL and PL are all up in their business. I would want puntland to relinquish claim to this region if the people khaatumo are able to control and govern themselves and SL would leave, until that happens PL won't relinqush claim and SFG will continue to ignore them.
I wouldn't worry, Buuhoodle is armed to the teeth, reer hagar militia have the town on lock. Siilanyo brought the entire SL army against them in 2012 and they still won. These people don't mess around
Most reer hagar hid in Ethiopia back then:pachah1:


Puntland Youth Organiser
FKD Visionary
Is not them more so the trash called mj
We don't take them seriously? More like Gaas's admin doesn't. Faroole was heavely engaged in SSC from when Khaatumo was established in january 2012 to when he left office in jan 2014.
We don't take them seriously? More like Gaas's admin doesn't. Faroole was heavely engaged in SSC from when Khaatumo was established in january 2012 to when he left office in jan 2014.
Dont lie to people the trash called puntland few days after khaatumo formed wrote a letter to the us government and other foreign Europeans countries claiming they were terrorist organization:bell:
Is very unfortunate when hawiye led government had no problem recognizing a darod state but you dick suckers started throwing fit claiming we won't work with the government if you recognize them:bell:
You people are parasitic if not vermins in nature leaching off warsengeli/dhulos bones even the dhulos prostitutes calling themself pl(reer hagar) know what type of ugly trash you folks are they should know very well considering how when when there kind was fighting sl in Buhoodle district the pl government told specifically the ugaadhyahan portion (karaash) to not help even thoe those dhulos group were urging that useless mj government to do something :camby:
For the nacas that keep asking bu bu why dont dhulos like mj here is a small portion of what mj did @JamalNFD


Puntland Youth Organiser
FKD Visionary
Dont lie to people the trash called puntland few days after khaatumo formed wrote a letter to the us government and other foreign Europeans countries claiming they were terrorist organization:bell:
Is very unfortunate when hawiye led government had no problem recognizing a darod state but you dick suckers started throwing fit claiming we won't work with the government if you recognize them:bell:
You people are parasitic if not vermins in nature leaching off warsengeli/dhulos bones even the dhulos prostitutes calling themself pl(reer hagar) know what type of ugly trash you folks are they should know very well considering how when when there kind was fighting sl in Buhoodle district the pl government told specifically the ugaadhyahan portion (karaash) to not help even thoe those dhulos group were urging that useless mj government to do something :camby:
Calm the f*ck down :gucciwhat:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Dont lie to people the trash called puntland few days after khaatumo formed wrote a letter to the us government and other foreign Europeans countries claiming they were terrorist organization:bell:
Is very unfortunate when hawiye led government had no problem recognizing a darod state but you dick suckers started throwing fit claiming we won't work with the government if you recognize them:bell:
You people are parasitic if not vermins in nature leaching off warsengeli/dhulos bones even the dhulos prostitutes calling themself pl(reer hagar) know what type of ugly trash you folks are they should know very well considering how when when there kind was fighting sl in Buhoodle district the pl government told specifically the ugaadhyahan portion (karaash) to not help even thoe those dhulos group were urging that useless mj government to do something :camby:
For the nacas that keep asking bu bu why dont dhulos like mj here is a small portion of what mj did @JamalNFD
Macaan jecel fadlan ku shuubo boowe I will pay you a hundred dollars to renounce your mother and father.
Now that I`ve thought about it it makes sense :manny:
Is just the tip of the ice berg 99% of the problems starts and ends with them:trash:
These folks what they say and what they do are different:manny:
You can tell everything i say is true they never ones deny it look at this thread they never call me out for lying instead use useless words like cuqdad even thoe there kind show midgaanish nature in general toward group who fought for there villages in the 90s.
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