British Somali teachers is REFUSED a working visa to UAE due to her ethnicity

This is kinda effed up and my opinion is Somalia should’ve thought more strategically before making rash geopolitical decisions, and not just based of religion.

The worst thing about this is that she is a British citizen born and raised, no Somali citizenship, but due to her ancestry she is being discrimated against. An Ethiopian or Nigerian with the same exact credentials would be accepted. So disgusting the precedent this sets, a wake up call for some of you who completely adopt the nation your parents ran to to and absolve your connection to Somalia/land altogether

The UAE has recently signed a non-hostility peace deal with Israel, and the deal included revoking visa from a number of mainly Muslim countries that support Palestine officially.

Don’t get me wrong, Israel ha burburto and all that jazz, but geopolitically speaking, Somalia is in no position to pick sides in geopolitical beef, seeing as every other county is starting to think for itself, and many sources show Israel recognition amongst Arab states is becoming more on the table. What will Somalia do then? Plus no offence, but arabta sheekadood iyo afaarahooda maxaa naga gele? Is our pro Palestine/Arab energy even reciprocated? Is it worth many Somalis losing out on opportunities?
Lol ”based on religion” Somalia didnt take any geopolitical stance due to religion, were are you go getting your information from😂

am glad we did what we did, those ayrabs were meddling to much in our affairs, the sister can go to Qatar.
The whole story doesn’t add up. Unless she has Somali citizenship, they have no way of knowing whether a British born black Muslim is Sudanese etc. And While I’m not doubting her story, she could’ve shown the rejection email saying that she got rejected because she’s Somali; instead the headteacher only said I wish you the best

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
but there are so many other xaliimos from the western countries working there tho :mjdontkno:
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Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
The school rejected her and used that as an excuse. One of the comments alludes to that as well.


after I read the comments I was convinced by one of the commentators who said “actually there are so many Somali teachers from all over the English speaking West here. I suspect the school rejected you “ :farmajoyaab: :faysalwtf:

This xaliimo ran to Twitter without thinking through.


Beati Pacifici.
I don’t understand why our people run to Twitter and write everything that happpens in their lives so sad she could’ve taken the L quietly and moved on ...balayo caqliga laheen

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot

after I read the comments I was convinced by one of the commentators who said “actually there are so many Somali teachers from all over the English speaking West here. I suspect the school rejected you “ :farmajoyaab: :faysalwtf:

This xaliimo ran to Twitter without thinking through.

Another xaliimo said “count your blessings because I worked at that school and it was the worst place I’ve ever worked at”.
👆This shows their character. They probably used the UAE to save face.
The whole story doesn’t add up. Unless she has Somali citizenship, they have no way of knowing whether a British born black Muslim is Sudanese etc. And While I’m not doubting her story, she could’ve shown the rejection email saying that she got rejected because she’s Somali; instead the headteacher only said I wish you the best

the school accepted her so it’s not a race issue as they knew she was black when they offered her the job. (Or the school is using the visa system to hide their racism)

the lack of visa or being able to get the visa is the issue based on her ethnicity. Uae banned 15 Muslim “poor” countries and Somalia is on this list. Simple don’t know why she went the isreal/ Palestine route.

as long as your home country isn’t built, you won’t have respect wherever you go.
the school accepted her so it’s not a race issue as they knew she was black when they offered her the job. (Or the school is using the visa system to hide their racism)

the lack of visa or being able to get the visa is the issue based on her ethnicity. Uae banned 15 Muslim “poor” countries and Somalia is on this list. Simple don’t know why she went the isreal/ Palestine route.

as long as your home country isn’t built, you won’t have respect wherever you go.
so you want us to have an inferiority complex? not everybody thinks like you. so you’re telling me if you see someone from South Sudan you’re automatically not going to respect them bc of the state of their home country that they have no control of 🤔
so you want us to have an inferiority complex? not everybody thinks like you. so you’re telling me if you see someone from South Sudan you’re automatically not going to respect them bc of the state of their home country that they have no control of 🤔

I never said I believed that it. I was talking about these cadaans and Arabs.

I fully agree that it’s bullshit everyone deserves respect just saying the truth of the world.

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
the tweet is now deleted
It’s deleted cause she got exposed

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
We hope she learned a lesson.


It turned out that the school used an excuse and she ran with it like the neef daaqaya she is.
she shouldn’t have posted it who knows she might get blacklisted from getting a job there


Now every other school will know she's unstable and emotional person that is unfit for any teaching position.

She thought Arabs will fold if she generates enough traction on Twitter.

Little did she know this snowflake, damsel in distress, BLM antic do not work in Arab World. Next school she applies to will have a look, laugh at her and dump CV in the trash can.


Illuminated Xalimo
Self-aggrandizement is always good. It was never really about getting her a job. She is marketing herself well.


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