Breaking Two Qarax oo gilgilay Muqdisho! Taleex!


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.

It happened at maqayaada Fatxi across from the Hormuud in Taleex a place I would often frequent in 2021. Very bad that qarax has reached this area which has multiple checkpoints surrounding it from isgosyka Bakaaraha and Lambar Afar.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Qarax sadexaad! Amar Alle laakin! HSM is sleeping!

Why do you care bro? They’ve welcomed and hid these terrorists. The ones killing and the ones dying are both from the same qabil. Let them be AUN
Qarax sadexaad! Amar Alle laakin! HSM is sleeping!

HShM-led govt is made up of Western spies and Al-Shabaab. Just like Gaafow (AHUN), they're trying to take out anyone who is opposed to their agenda. These escalating attacks should be understood in that context. It is "Qabyo" process that is implemented.


Very small explosions. AUN to anyone who might’ve died. inshallah we never see 1,000 dead like we did under Farmaajo.

I believe one of them was someone who blew himself up after grenades fell out of his motorbike

"However, the security officials told state-owned Radio Mogadishu that the security forces intercepted and exploded the rickshaw and added that the operator of the rickshaw, who suffered minor injuries, was also arrested. No one else was injured or killed in the blast"