BREAKING POSSIBLE HATE CRIME:Man in VA kills a Hijabi wth a Baseball bat

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Why do I get the feeling that you are directly implying that it possibly can't be a hate crime and that it is pure coicendence that the young Muslim girl was the victim of his uncontrolled "Road Rage"

Sxb fix up, something is not right with you :kodaksmiley:

Regardless of a hate crime or a road rage, she doesn't deserve to be killed mercilessly. She was only 17 and had all her future ahead of her. Secondly, I'm just trying to inform you what the cops are saying, she and him look racially the same to me and there are many Latina Muslim women. I rather believe the judgement of the cops who attended to the tragedy and investigated it. Remember recently, what they said about the Somali woman and the Latino woman who had a fight over their children in their neighbourhood in Ohio? She screamed "hate crime" only the Somalis everywhere to amplify it and the cops came out to contradict her and say, it wasn't. My friend, if you cry wolf many times, no one will believe you if the real wolf attacks you. Road rage is a very dangerous encounter and my philosophy is always not to inflame someone who is already angry and didn't know what sort of a weapon they possess. I always smile and wave at them even when they are wrong or screaming at me. Kids should be taught these skills to survive road rages.
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Regardless of a hate crime or a road rage, she doesn't deserve to be killed mercilessly. She was only 17 and had all her future ahead of her. Secondly, I'm just trying to inform you what the cops are saying, she and him look racially the same to me and there are many Latina Muslim women. I rather believe the judgement of the cops who attended to the tragedy and investigated it. Remember recently, what they said about the Somali woman and the Latino woman who had a fight over their children in their neighbourhood in Ohio? She screamed "hate crime" only the Somalis everywhere to amplify it and the cops came out to contradict her and say, it wasn't. My friend, if you cry wolf many times, no one will believe you if the real wolf attacks you. Road rage is a very dangerous encounter and my philosophy is always not to inflame someone who is already angry and didn't know what sort of a weapon they possess. I always smile and wave at them even when they are wrong or screaming at me. Kids should be taught these skills to survive road rages.

I don't agree. If he smashed up another male adult due to some altercation, I would understand the road rage argument - brutally beating a teen girl to death is over and beyond. Say I jump out my car and start pissing in a Gurdwara - would I be charged with road rage? If the perpetrators actions starts in a vehicle, is it automatically categorised as road rage?

Road rage leads to things like aggressively beeping the horn, shouting/swearing, reckless driving, or even fisticuffs. Jumping out of the car, chasing girls as young as 13 on foot, beating one of them with a baseball bat, and dumping the body in a pond is not really acting on spontaneous rage now is it?

I should start swinging a weapon when I see a group of flamboyant fags - I guess I can be charged with 'hatred of bright colours'.


Regardless of a hate crime or a road rage, she doesn't deserve to be killed mercilessly. She was only 17 and had all her future ahead of her. Secondly, I'm just trying to inform you what the cops are saying, she and him look racially the same to me and there are many Latina Muslim women. I rather believe the judgement of the cops who attended to the tragedy and investigated it. Remember recently, what they said about the Somali woman and the Latino woman who had a fight over their children in their neighbourhood in Ohio? She screamed "hate crime" only the Somalis everywhere to amplify it and the cops came out to contradict her and say, it wasn't. My friend, if you cry wolf many times, no one will believe you if the real wolf attacks you. Road rage is a very dangerous encounter and my philosophy is always not to inflame someone who is already angry and didn't know what sort of a weapon they possess. I always smile and wave at them even when they are wrong or screaming at me. Kids should be taught these skills to survive road rages.
Nigga wtf is wrong with you she was beaten at 3am after he attacked her and other girls. The other escaped back to the mosque but she tripped and he beat her with a baseball bat. He targeted them outside a mosque at 3am is that not islamophobia. You disgust me you take the side of the perpetrators every time a Muslim is attacked. Here are the details if you want to see for yourself.
Nigga wtf is wrong with you she was beaten at 3am after he attacked her and other girls. The other escaped back to the mosque but she tripped and he beat her with a baseball bat. He targeted them outside a mosque at 3am is that not islamophobia. You disgust me you take the side of the perpetrators every time a Muslim is attacked. Here are the details if you want to see for yourself.


First, RIP to this young woman.

Secondly, everyone has the right to be very pissed off what this deranged and psychopathic man has done to this girl.

Thirdly, the cops are saying this brutal murder is a road rage and not a hate crime. Do you have any evidence to the contrary? I'm all ears and eyes.

Police: Nabra Hassanen killed in 'road rage incident'

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
It actually makes sense to me of the latest police suggestion.

It was around close to 20 kids riding a bicycle and walking from the mosque to McDonalds.

Remember how mischievous we were at that age as a pack of kids. I truly believe that they did some sort of a prank on the guy and they runaway but he made a U-turn and chase them but the unluckiest one was the deceased who he caught up with and chased her on foot and then stroked her with a baseball bat. Obviously the man ain't normal. These kids messed with a mentally disturbed illegal immigrant.

Once again this is a false hate crime pushed by Somalis and Sudanese. It was just 2 weeks ago that a hooyo lady lie to us and now this

After listening to the police's course of events it became very believable to me as opposed to what the kids said. Also this guy is an illegal immigrant who looks more brownie than her. Of course Hispanics can be anti-Islam. It is my conviction that these kids, as a pack, enthusiastic, showing off and trying to impress some dudes did something to the guy's car. This Hispanic guy is clearly not normal and Hispanics worship their car. He then blew up. They never realized that they were messing with a ticking time bomb.
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I don't agree. If he smashed up another male adult due to some altercation, I would understand the road rage argument - brutally beating a teen girl to death is over and beyond. Say I jump out my car and start pissing in a Gurdwara - would I be charged with road rage? If the perpetrators actions starts in a vehicle, is it automatically categorised as road rage?

Road rage leads to things like aggressively beeping the horn, shouting/swearing, reckless driving, or even fisticuffs. Jumping out of the car, chasing girls as young as 13 on foot, beating one of them with a baseball bat, and dumping the body in a pond is not really acting on spontaneous rage now is it?

I should start swinging a weapon when I see a group of flamboyant fags - I guess I can be charged with 'hatred of bright colours'.


Sxb, In America, road rage could be deadly.

Road rage is getting uglier, angrier and a lot more deadly.

In Nevada, a man recently tracked down a woman involved in a highway rage incident and shot her at her home. Road rage, alas, appears to be causing more and more deaths.

The number of fatal accidents involving enraged drivers has increased nearly tenfold since 2004, according to data compiled by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. In 2004, police officers indicated road rage or aggression on the part of the driver as a contributing factor in 26 fatal crashes on the nation's highways. In 2013, 247 fatal accidents met this criteria.


As a barometer of highway rage these numbers are a drastic undercount: they include only fatal accidents, not non-fatal ones. (Cases like the one in Nevada also wouldn't be included because they involving shootings, not car accidents.) And they don't reflect the thousands of unkindnesses drivers inflict on each other daily that don't end in violence.

These figures roughly comport with Washington Post surveys on driver rage. Between 2010 to 2013, the percentage of D.C.-area drivers who say they often felt "uncontrollable anger toward another driver on the road" doubled, from 6 percent to 12 percent. Commuters are more likely to experience blinding rage than non-commuters (no surprise there), the young are more angry than the old (ditto), and politically speaking Democrats are the political group least likely to drive angry, while independents are the most.

2013 study by Christine Wickens of the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto offers some insight into what gets our blood boiling on the road. Wickens analyzed 5,624 complaints posted to the website, which is an online forum where people can go to blow off steam about bad drivers. The thing that ticks drivers off most? Weaving between lanes and cutting people off. Speeding, general hostility and tailgating are also common complaints.

the NBC News report. The drivers got out and had a verbal altercation, and then Meyers left, picked up her son, who was armed, and went looking for the other driver. After an unsuccessful search she returned home where the driver was waiting for her, and shot her.

Sxb, In America, road rage could be deadly.

Road rage is getting uglier, angrier and a lot more deadly.

In Nevada, a man recently tracked down a woman involved in a highway rage incident and shot her at her home. Road rage, alas, appears to be causing more and more deaths.

The number of fatal accidents involving enraged drivers has increased nearly tenfold since 2004, according to data compiled by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. In 2004, police officers indicated road rage or aggression on the part of the driver as a contributing factor in 26 fatal crashes on the nation's highways. In 2013, 247 fatal accidents met this criteria.


As a barometer of highway rage these numbers are a drastic undercount: they include only fatal accidents, not non-fatal ones. (Cases like the one in Nevada also wouldn't be included because they involving shootings, not car accidents.) And they don't reflect the thousands of unkindnesses drivers inflict on each other daily that don't end in violence.

These figures roughly comport with Washington Post surveys on driver rage. Between 2010 to 2013, the percentage of D.C.-area drivers who say they often felt "uncontrollable anger toward another driver on the road" doubled, from 6 percent to 12 percent. Commuters are more likely to experience blinding rage than non-commuters (no surprise there), the young are more angry than the old (ditto), and politically speaking Democrats are the political group least likely to drive angry, while independents are the most.

2013 study by Christine Wickens of the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto offers some insight into what gets our blood boiling on the road. Wickens analyzed 5,624 complaints posted to the website, which is an online forum where people can go to blow off steam about bad drivers. The thing that ticks drivers off most? Weaving between lanes and cutting people off. Speeding, general hostility and tailgating are also common complaints.

the NBC News report. The drivers got out and had a verbal altercation, and then Meyers left, picked up her son, who was armed, and went looking for the other driver. After an unsuccessful search she returned home where the driver was waiting for her, and shot her.

Cheers for the data, but it doesn't highlight the number of fatalities caused outside of the perpetrator's vehicle. I can somewhat understand a spontaneous reaction to some incident on the road. The account on the washingtonpost article, and this one here, are both anomalous unless you can prove otherwise.
Cheers for the data, but it doesn't highlight the number of fatalities caused outside of the perpetrator's vehicle. I can somewhat understand a spontaneous reaction to some incident on the road. The account on the washingtonpost article, and this one here, are both anomalous unless you can prove otherwise.


Sxb, you told us a theory and even the father of the victim says, "he thinks" and not a shred of evidence contrary to the cops conclusion of a "road rage". From the Washington post's article, you see how far some nutters will go in a road rage. If any1 could prove that it was a "hate crime", the family could sue the State and the cops, till then, let's leave this incident as a "road rage".


Good analysis, soon, we will become like African Americans and view every incident from the prism of, "hate crime" committed by the "white evil man".

Nightline Kid

Hippo Crate
It actually makes sense to me of the latest police suggestion.

It was around close to 20 kids riding a bicycle and walking from the mosque to McDonalds.

Remember how mischievous we were at that age as a pack of kids. I truly believe that they did some sort of a prank on the guy and they runaway but he made a U-turn and chase them but the unluckiest one was the deceased who he caught up with and chased her on foot and then stroked her with a baseball bat. Obviously the man ain't normal. These kids messed with a mentally disturbed illegal immigrant.

Once again this is a false hate crime pushed by Somalis and Sudanese. It was just 2 weeks ago that a hooyo lady lie to us and now this

After listening to the police's course of events it became very believable to me as opposed to what the kids said. Also this guy is an illegal immigrant who looks more brownie than her. Of course Hispanics can be anti-Islam. It is my conviction that these kids, as a pack, enthusiastic, showing off and trying to impress some dudes did something to the guy's car. This Hispanic guy is clearly not normal and Hispanics worship their car. He then blew up. They never realized that they were messing with a ticking time bomb.

There was a shooting at Chapel Hill a few years ago that resulted in the deaths of 3 Muslims, and it was written off as a "parking dispute." I wouldn't completely set aside her death being unrelated to her religion

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
I almost cried when i watched her father's interview. They don't deserve having every detail out in public like this, may Allah bankrupt the news reporting her "possible" rape (not even confirmed!!!) And grant ease for her family's suffering.

That had made shook. His sorrow came throw the screen for me. May Allah give him the power to hold it together


Pro Women's Rights|Centrist

Sxb, you told us a theory and even the father of the victim says, "he thinks" and not a shred of evidence contrary to the cops conclusion of a "road rage". From the Washington post's article, you see how far some nutters will go in a road rage. If any1 could prove that it was a "hate crime", the family could sue the State and the cops, till then, let's leave this incident as a "road rage".


Good analysis, soon, we will become like African Americans and view every incident from the prism of, "hate crime" committed by the "white evil man".
You idiot, this uncle Tom targetted the poor girl, raped the poor girl and then beat her to death. That screams hate crime to me.
You idiot, this uncle Tom targetted the poor girl, raped the poor girl and then beat her to death. That screams hate crime to me.


Have you ever thought of what screams to you might not be the truth but hearing an echo from your brain? Calling me an idiot doesn't make you more believable. Try again.
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